Movies? //Part 1

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Mia's POV

(Also, I know that this chapter should've began with Mia at Brandie's house, but I wrote this chapter before the last one. So just ignore that Mia basically teleported overnight😂)

It was Saturday morning, 8:36 a.m. I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing.
I turned over my phone, and it said "FaceTime Call from "Mason❤😘"
I accepted the call.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry, I just miss you." Mason said while frowning.

"I saw you yesterday at school!!" I said.

We both laughed, "Well, I was wondering if you're free tonight?" Mason asked.

"Tonight? Uhh, I don't know... I have to ask my parents. Why?" I said.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me? Maybe Brandie and Aiden could come too...?" Mason said.

"Idk Mason... My dads, well one of them, don't even know we're dating. And they're going to be so protective over me. Brandie's parents don't know either..." I said.

"Well neither do mine! And friends go to the movies together all the time, nobody would suspect anything." Mason said.

"That's true... I really want to go, but just let me think about it." I replied.

I heard someone walking up the stairs.

"I gotta go Mason, I'll text you later. Tonight, 7:00...? Yeah. I love youuuu, bye." I said, then ended the call right as Dad walked in.

"You up sweetie?" Dad asked.

"Yeah dad, is breakfast ready?" I replied.

"Your favorite!" Dad said with a grin.

"Pancakes!" I yelled.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards the door.

"I'm gonna get more pancakes than you!" I yelled while sprinting down the stairs.

"Not if I get there first!" Dad said.

We both laughed.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs, Dad grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder.
"Let me down dad!!" I said while giggling.
He let me down when we got to the kitchen, where I saw Papa putting the pancakes on plates.

"Hey papa." I said.

"Good morning, sweetie." Papa said.

He walked over to me with the plates in his hand, and kissed me on the forehead. I sat down at the table, where Dad was already sitting. Papa put down the plates, and we all started to eat the pancakes.

"Oh, good news. I talked to our manager and he said he's putting together a tour right now, I can't wait." Dad said to Papa.

"That's great babe! Who's gonna be on the tour?" Papa asked.

"I don't know yet." Dad said.

"Will I be able to go?" I asked.

"Of course! And if Kale ends up being in the tour, Brandie could come too!" Dad said to me.
We finished up our pancakes, and I went up to my room to get ready for the day.

Brandie's POV

I got a text from Mia while I was eating breakfast.

Texts: (M-Mia/B-Brandie)

M: Hey
M: Mason asked me out to the movies omg. He said maybe you and Aiden could come too?
B: That would be so fun!! When?
M: Tonight!! I don't want to go if you're not going
B: I'm not busy tonight, if Aiden is free we can all go!
M: yay! 💓
B: K, I'll text Aiden brb

(5 minutes later)


B- We can all go, omg I can't waittt!!
M: really?! Yay!
B: yep!! I gtg, have to go to the store w/ my mom, text me the plan later :)
M: k, byeee 💓
B: bye 💜

Mia's POV

I smiled at the texts, this is the first time Brandie, Aiden, Mason, and I were going out together while dating. I walked downstairs to ask my parents if I could go to the movies, since I hadn't actually asked them yet. I heard noise from the kitchen so I walked in there first, where I saw Dad cleaning up breakfast.

"Hey dad?" I asked. "I was wondering if I could go to the movies tonight? Brandie, Aiden, and Mason are going and they asked me to go too."

"I'm fine with it, as long as your back home before 10:00. Ask Papa." Dad said.

"Thanks Dad." I said, then walked to the living room.

Papa was sitting on the couch, on his phone.

"Papa can I go to the movies? Dad said yes, and to ask you. Brandie invited me."

I didn't mention Mason, or Aiden, because I didn't want him to ask any questions, since he knows about us.

"Sure sweetie." Papa said.

"Really?! Thank you." I said, then leaned down and hugged him.

"Mhm. Is anyone else going?" He said.

I paused for a second, because I really didn't want him to make a big deal out of it.

"Yeah.... I think, Aiden and Mason are going too." I said slowly.

"K sweetie." He said then smiled.

I smiled back and quickly walked out of the room, relieved that he didn't say anything else.

I walked back up to my room and collapsed on my bed. I couldn't wait for tonight.

Next part of this will be up very soon! Hope you enjoyed, as always, vote on this chapter, and comment any chapter ideas/suggestions! Thank you sooo much for reading ! :) 💓

Instagram- justin.x.beast _miastalvey_
Snapchat- miahayes74
Twitter- whoaaitsmia


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