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Kale's POV

I got a call from Raegan. I felt a little worried, because we agreed he would only call me while I was on vacation if it was important. I picked up my phone. I listened to Raegan, and Elaine watched as my hand started to shake. She could tell by the look on my face that something was wrong, and she grew very concerned. Raegan told me that he, Brandie, and Mia had been in a car crash, but that everyone was okay. Mia and Brandie were sleeping. Even though he informed me that they were fine, I was still extremely worried and all I wanted was to see my daughter.
After the call ended, I explained everything to Elaine. I had never seen her more worried, she tried to act like everything was okay but I could tell she was scared. She immediately went online to get plane tickets so we could go home, but all the flights had been delayed. UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!! Apparently there was a really bad storm, and it could last up to a week. How were we going to see our daughter?

Mia's POV

I woke up in my hospital bed, the sun was shining into my eyes. I groaned because it was so bright.
"Oh look! She's up!" I heard Aiden say.
Why is Aiden still here? I thought to myself. I turned over in my bed and Aiden and Mason were sitting at a table, and Brandie was in her bed. Brandie and I shared a hospital room, and it was just the four of us.
"You feel okay?" Mason asked as he walked over to my bed.
"Yeah... I'm just a bit sore." I replied. I was still trying to wake up.
"I can go get you some breakfast if you want. Glad you're feeling better!" said Mason.
I replied, "I'm not hungry right now, thanks though." I looked up at him and smiled.
He was so adorable, in his grey sweatshirt and black joggers, his hair messy, fluffy in the front. He sat down on the bed with me, careful not to be too rough so he wouldn't hurt me. I grabbed his hand and I covered my face as he tried to take a snapchat video of me.

Brandie's POV

I looked over at Mia and Mason, they were both laying in Mia's hospital bed, Mason's arm was wrapped around Mia.
"Well look who finally decided to wake up!"
I could tell it was Aiden, I looked over at him and smiled.
"Hey cutiee" I said and he blushed.
"Ew can you guys like never say that again?" I heard Mia say.
We all laughed, and Aiden walked over to my bed.
"I think both of you are getting out today, at least that's what I heard one of the nurses say. But you'll probably have to do a few more tests before you leave." Aiden told me.
"Where are my parents? Where is Justin and Raegan?" I asked.
"Mia's parents are busy right now, that's why we're here. They'll be here soon though. And your parents? You be staying with Mia for a while... There was a really bad storm so they aren't able to come home now." Mason said from Mia's bed.
I sat in silence, not really knowing what to say. I  just wanted to see my parents, and I knew they wanted to see me.
"So.. what do you wanna do?" Aiden asked.
No one said anything because they all expected me to answer, but Mia finally said,
"I don't know. I want to go home."
Mason and Mia continued to talk about a lot of different things, but Aiden and I just sat in silence. He leaned down towards my face and asked,
"You okay?"
I was sad because I wouldn't be able to see my parents soon.
"Yeah, I just miss them.. my parents I mean."
I replied.
"Oh. I understand. You'll have me though, whenever you want me to be with you I'll be here." Aiden said.
  Justin soon walked in with a rolling cart, which had breakfast for all of us on it.
Mason moved his arm off Mia as fast as he could so Justin wouldn't see, it was actually really funny. We all ate breakfast, and I was confused on where Raegan was.
Is he ok? I thought to myself.
  We hung out in the hospital room for about 45 more minutes, and Raegan still wasn't there. I didn't want to ask, so I stayed quiet.
"So girls, you both are going to be able to leave today, but a few tests have to be ran before they know for sure you guys are fine to go home." Justin said while finishing up his breakfast.
"Okay." Mia said.
I sat there with my head low, I wasn't really feeling that happy today. Especially because I couldn't see my parents.

*Time skip*

Mia's POV

  The tests had been taken, and both Brandie and I were fine.
"Ok kiddos, let's go home, finally!" Dad said.
Mason and Aiden were coming with us, only because our parents knew it would help emotionally if they were home with us. I was still a little overwhelmed from the crash, but Brandie seemed to be really sad. I mean I would be sad too if I couldn't see my parents, but she was acting unusually sad. Even Aiden couldn't cheer her up. We got in the car, Brandie and I were told to be very careful because we still could be very sore from the crash.
  As we were pulling in my driveway, Dad said, "Papa wasn't at the hospital this morning because he was planning out a surprise. It's in the house, I can't wait to see your reactions!"
  When the car parked, we all hopped out and ran as fast as we could, even though we were told to be careful. As we walked in the door, Papa stood up and gave everyone a hug, but hugged me for a little longer.
"Do you feel alright Papa? How come you got to leave the hospital?" I asked him.
"I had tests done earlier, and the doctors felt I was ready to go home. You guys were still sleeping so I went to get you a surprise. It's in the other room." He said.
I walked into the room, followed by everyone else. I didn't know what he was talking about, but when I looked at the couch, I immediately got so excited!
"A PUPPY!!" I screamed.
   Everyone ran over to the little puppy, she was a brown lab, and so tiny!! Everyone awed and took pictures of the little puppy, we could not get over how cute she was.
"Did you get her for me?!" I asked Dad and Papa.
"Yep! She's all your's sweetie!" Dad replied.
"I like the name Chloe! Hi Chloe!" I said in baby voice.
"Hi Chloe!" Everyone said.
My day had automatically gone from kind of low, to a very high. I was so happy, I'd always wanted a dog.

How'd you like this chapter? It took so long 😂 tysm for all the reads/votes, we couldn't ask for more Comment chapter suggestions/recommendations (like always) 💙 WE LOVE YOU!!

IG- @justin.x.beast

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