Two years later

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2 years later

Mia's POV

It's been two years since I found out Brandie cut. With help from family and friends, she stopped. She doesn't cut anymore, which I'm very proud of her for. I too have been going through changes as well. I barely ever feel comfortable in my own body. I don't ever where any girly clothes that I did before. Overall I've just been... different.

Mason and Aiden have basically been the same. Besides the fact that Mason and I broke up a couple months ago due to the fact that he needed to find himself. Aiden and Brandie are still dating after breaking up for a couple of months. Chloe is the still the same as well.

Dad and Papa didn't change that much. I mean they're still their same fun selves, but they haven't been the same. Dad and Papa don't talk as much as before because they've been busy with their own personal projects. Tensions have been strong between them, but I know they still love each other. Recently Dad and Papa have gotten really big. They've been going on tours and even on T.V.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. Rolling over so my front was facing my nightstand, I checked my phone, it read 7:30. Although school didn't start till 8:35, I decided to get a head start. I did my normal morning routine, and dressed into a navy blue sweatshirt, black leggings, and black converse. After changing, I walked downstairs humming a tune stuck in my head.

Once I got downstairs, I saw a note and some money on the kitchen island. The note read:

Dear Mia,
Sorry we weren't there this morning, had to go to an urgent meeting. There's $20 on the counter just in case.
Have fun and be safe.
Love ya!
                                                    -Dad and Papa
        Ps. We'll be back before school ends

I wasn't really that shocked or annoyed, because it's been happening a lot recently. I checked the time again, it said 7:45. My bus didn't come till 8:15, so I had time. I decided to eat a quick breakfast of Frosted Flakes.

I left home around 8:05 and started walking to to the bus. I made it to the bus stop with a couple minutes to spare. I would usually walk and talk with Brandie, but she had to go early to school so that meant I was alone.

The bus soon came and I hopped in the bus. Once I got in the bus, I chose a seat in the front since that's where freshmen sits. After I got situated in my seat, I put on my headphones and pressed shuffle. The song it chose was Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the disco. Eventually my bus arrived at Northlake High aka my high school.

Once I got into school, I tried to look for Brandie, Mason, Aiden, or at least any of my other friends. I couldn't find them so I decided to walk to my locker. I arrived at my locker and started unloading the stuff I don't need. I soon felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking around to see who it was, it was Brandie.

"Hey. Where were you I was looking for you all morning?" She asked.

"Oh same" I replied dragging the e, "Anyways the bells about to ring we should get going."

"Ok." Brandie agreed.

As we were walking, we got stopped by the one and only Mrs. Drama queen herself, Nicole Fisher. Nicole tries very hard to become my friend, but only for one reason and one reason only, my parents, not even for me. She's a big Justin Blake and Raegan Beast fan. I wouldn't really mind that since that's one of the cons of having famous parents. The thing about Nicole though, is she's just annoying, an attention seeker, and the most popular person in my grade. With me being me I like to be more of an introvert.

I started to zone out as she was probably talking about some stuff that we don't even have in common with. I then felt a nudge on my arm. I look to she who it was, Brandie again. She motioned towards Nicole who I forgot was even there. Her face was searching for an answer I didn't have.

"So what do you say?" She asked with a force friendly tone. Did I also mention we never really got along. We met in 8th grade and we never really clicked.

"Uhh huh sure sounds great." I replied with nervousness hidden in my voice, hoping I didn't agree to something I didn't like.

"Great! Can't wait for tonight!" She exclaimed adding a hug with me at the end. Once she left Brandie looked at me like I was an idiot.

"What?" I said.

"You know what you agreed to right?" She questioned.

"Yeah, yeah it's probably to be partners for a project or something like that." I answered.

"Ok if you say so" she mocked.

---------time skip to when they get home--------

When I got home Dad and Papa were already there. Once I saw them I gave them a hug and they kissed me on the forehead. I walked over to the dining table and Dad set a bowl of strawberries on the table. Papa and Dad soon came and sat down with me. We talked about what's been happening until we heard the doorbell ring.

I got up to see who was at the door. Nicole Fisher... with sleepover stuff? Oh no.

*insert evil laugh*
Sorry this was a little late. I've been busy.
Tried to get some drama in here.
Anyways hope you enjoyed!
Don't forget 100+ views for next chapter.
-Jaegan crew❤️

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