Part 2

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Phil's POV

The smell of fresh toast curls towards me, making my stomach rumble. I grab it from the toaster and throw it onto the plate next to me. I quickly make a Ribena, and then take my breakfast into the lounge.

I sit on the blue chair, where I always sit. I don't know why I always sit here, but I guess humans are creatures of habit. Dan's chair faces me, empty. I look at my watch. Of course he isn't up yet, he never usually emerges from his duvet cave before eleven. I sigh, and pick up my toast.


I hear a crash, and a moan from Dan's room. Sure enough, minutes later I hear another crash followed by a swear word from the kitchen, rustling and the sound of cereal being poured into a bowl. After a few seconds, Dan appears in the doorway of the lounge and comes over to sit opposite me. His hand brushes mine and my heart leaps at the brief contact. He gives me his 'why do mornings exist' face and turns his attention to his cereal, which he begins devouring.

"Why is it" he says, swallowing his cereal, "that even though it's impossible to get out of bed in the morning, when you try to go to sleep the night before it takes you at least an hour of staring at the ceiling before you actually fall asleep?". I laugh at his frustrated expression, nearly choking on my Ribena. "Seriously" he continues, "what's wrong with the world?" A smile he breaks across his face. A smile I love so much, a smile that's the last thing I see before I go to sleep, a smile I look forward to seeing every day. Because...

I'm in love with Dan.

I have been for a while now. I love the way he frowns when he's concentrating, the way he gets so into videogames, the way that when he smiles, the whole world seems to stop and all I can see is him.

But I can never tell him how I feel. Ever. It would ruin our friendship. I can see how much our friendship means to Dan, and I would never forgive myself if I destroyed that for him.

So I can never tell him.

But I want to...

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