Part 18

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Phil's POV

The pavement is all I can see as I tear through the streets, the houses a wash of colour as I race past them. I have to get back to PJ's. At least there, I have someone to hide behind.

I begin to slow as I reach the house. It's probably best if I don't let PJ know that Dan's here. He'll only get mad at Dan, and I'll have to go through my feelings all over again as I tell him.

I stop on the corner, trying to regulate my breathing. I'm not used to exercise, PJ will know something's up if I get home out of breath. It feels like I've been punched in the guts. God, I need to exercise more.

When I've recovered, I walk over to the house and unlock the door. I go in quietly, wanting to go somewhere and be alone before PJ realises I'm back. I drop my keys into the bowl by the door. Remembering that I left the book I was reading in the lounge, I go to retrieve it. What I see when I enter the room makes me drop my phone.

PJ is on the couch, Chris Kendall on top of him. They are kissing passionately.

At the thump of my phone hitting the carpet, the couple break apart and PJ jumps away from Chris. My jaw has dropped so low that I don't think I will ever be able to close my mouth again.

"Hi Phil..." PJ shifts uncomfortably, staring at the floor.

"Hey Phil" Chris grins "care to join? We could-"

"Shut up" PJ hisses, hitting Chris on the arm.

"Aww you don't mean that" Chris pokes PJ in the ribs playfully, giving him puppy-dog eyes.

I'm still staring.

"Your phone must be getting lonely down there mate, shall I throw mine over to keep it company?" Chris isn't even the slightest bit embarrassed by what I just witnessed.

When I finally manage to unfreeze myself, I bend down to pick up my phone. PJ is still huddled in the corner of the sofa, looking slightly scared.

"Come sit" Chris motions to the seat opposite him and PJ, looking completely comfortable with everything that's just happened. I sit, my brain still processing what I just saw.

"What's going on?" I manage to force out, my mind still reeling.

"I'd have thought it would be pretty obvious, considering the scene you walked in on" Chris casually leans over and drapes an arm around PJ, who relaxes a little. "Me and PJ are together."

"Since when?" my brain is finally starting to catch up.

"Since a few months ago" PJ finally speaks up, tearing his attention away from the carpet.

"We finally realised that the fans were right" Chris gives PJ an affectionate kiss on the cheek "the ship is real. This guy though, had been in love with me way before that" patches of crimson begin to appear in PJ's cheeks "I mean who wouldn't love this" he motions to himself "but he was just too scared to tell me."

PJ sits up.

"Well I didn't think you liked me back. I thought I'd ruin our friendship if I told you"

"But I did like you, so it's fine. Besides, who can resist me? I'm basically s-" PJ pokes him in the arm and Chris gives him a wicked grin, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. PJ's annoyed look soon turns to a loving one as they gaze into each other's eyes. Even I can see they have a strong connection.

I give a small cough, filling the silence. The couple break eye contact.

"So why haven't you guys told anyone yet?" I continue "I hadn't even guessed that you two were - y'know..."

"We just didn't feel like it was the right time yet" PJ wraps both arms around Chris, Chris holding him protectively.

"It was nice just to have it to ourselves" Chris moves PJ's hair out of his eyes "we didn't want everyone going mental like 'omg kickthestickz is real!!!' We just wanted to be ourselves"

"Chris was supposed to be coming round today, and I didn't want to cancel because you were here. So I got you to go on a walk and phoned him to come over as soon as you left" I briefly remember the phone call I heard as I left.

"I guess I'm sworn to secrecy then?" I ask; I don't want to make them uncomfortable if they don't want to come out yet.

"We were gonna tell out friends soon. It feels like this is a serious relationship now." Chris smiles and gazes into PJ's sea-green eyes again. I can almost feel the adoration radiating from them, I can't help but smile. This is real love; being together not only as lovers, but as friends. As equals. Adoring one another in every possible way.

"But how are you Phil? PJ told me what happened" Chris tears his attention away from the boy sitting next to him.

I fiddle with my hands as I avoid their gaze.

"I'm fine. I'm getting... better. It still hurts though" I can feel their concern.

"That's ok Phil. It's gonna hurt for a while, but eventually you'll get through it. You'll find someone like I found PJ, and you'll be happy."

Chris is right. It's alright to hurt for a bit, but eventually I have to move on. Maybe one day, I'll find a guy who loves me for who I am, one who will stay by my side no matter what. It may take a while to find him, but he's out there, somewhere. One day, I'll find my PJ.

"Get off me Peej, I need to go give Phil a hug" Chris tries to pry himself free of PJ's grip.

"Never" says PJ defiantly, wrapping his arms around Chris even tighter.

"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOO" Chris bursts into song, the cacophony of noise causing PJ to let go of him and cover his ears.

"Ow if you're gonna sing that badly, I'll definitely let you go" PJ protests.

"'CAUSE THESE WORDS ARE KNIVES THAT OFTEN LEAVE SCARS" Chris continues, not even remotely in tune. He leans down to kiss PJ swiftly on the lips.

Chris then comes over to me, pulling me into a bear hug.

"It'll all be okay Phil. If Dan tries to come near you, we'll beat him sh-"

"CHRIS" PJ's annoyed tone causes Chris to release me and bound back over to him.

"Don't you take that tone with me" says Chris playfully, easing himself onto the sofa beside PJ, caressing his cheek with his thumb.

"I can do whatever I want" PJ stares him down.

"Oh really?" Chris smirks, and leans in to press his lips to PJ's, winding his fingers into his hair. PJ's hands snake up Chris' back.

I take this as my cue to leave. I don't want my innocence too be ruined by whatever is about to happen.

When I reach the spare room PJ is letting me stay in, I can't help but smile. There is love in the world after all.

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