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I wake with a start. "Star, are you OK?" Chris is feeling my forehead, Alex and Kyle are talking to Harry and Ron, and Matt stands next to me worried. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" I ask to no one in particular. "We came back yesterday. We found you lying here and you were talking." That was Harry. "Something about the Chamber of Secrets." He says. "Oh, don't worry about that, umm, but I don't have any money to buy the things I need." I say, looking at everyone staring at me. "What is it?" I ask confused. "Umm, Star. You know the hair clip that is shaped like a lightning bolt?" Asks Chris shakily. "Yeah?" I answer, still not understanding. "Well, it just turned into a snowflake." "So?" I say getting angry. "Take it off." Matt says. "Why?" I ask getting impatient. Harry rolls his eyes and steps forward, taking off the clip. "Hey!" I say, but then I see it, sparks of lightning. I snatch it from Harry and start humming. The boys all react the same. I have known Matt, Chris, Alex, and Kyle for as long as I can remember but they never heard me sing. Ever. The clip turns back into a lightning bolt and it stops shooting sparks. I put it back on. "Stop staring! Anyways, I have to get my stuff." But before I leave the room, Matt says, "All you need to get is a wand and an owl." "Why?" I ask puzzled. "Because we already got everything for you." He says. "Wait!" Yells Harry. "What is it now?" I say calmly. "Here." And he hands me a pouch full of Galleons, Sickles, and Knutz. "Thanks." I say blushing. "Your welcome." He says. Fred pops his head in. "You might want to Disapparate here Star, dad works at the Ministry." And with that I'm gone.
I find myself in Diagon Alley. "Wow" I say looking at all the stores. I walk up to a store called Ollivanders' Wands. I enter. "I've been waiting for you." He says looking at my eyes. "You have your father's eyes." He says. "I'll be right back." And with that he went to the back. "Ah yes, try this one." I swish the wand and it knocks over a vase, shattering. "Hmm, I wonder." And goes to the back. He comes back just moments later. He has a white wand with gold sparkly imprinted vines. "Try this one." He hands it to me. I give it a swish and red sparks shoot out of it. "Curious. Very curious." He says. "Umm I'm sorry, but what's so curious?" I ask a little confused. He answers. "Hmm, oh it's just that that wand contain a lot of different cores. It has nine Phoenix feathers, six veela hairs, seven hippogriff feathers and I can't even remember what others." "Oh." I respond. I pay for my wand and leave the store. As I'm walking towards the owl shop, I run into a cute, blonde boy. "Sorry." I say. But before I keep walking, he looks a little confused. "You know, you look really familiar. My name is Draco, Draco Malfoy." "Umm, hello Draco my name is Starlight, Starlight Potter." "What do you mean? Your related to Harry Potter." I simply nod. "Well I kind of hate Harry so we can't be friends." He says. "Typical, the first friend that I try to make hates my brother." But before I leave he says. "Wait, he's your brother? He doesn't have a sister." "Well he does. I'm going to go get my owl, get back where I'm staying and cry myself to sleep." I say tearing up. "Why are you going to cry? I mean I take back the part where I said 'we can't be friends'." I smile a little. "So I have another friend?" I ask trying to hide my smile. "Yeah go get your owl. I'll see you at school." He winks and walks away, leaving me with butterflies in my stomach. I buy a snowy owl, and decide to name him James, after my father. I send my first letter ever. It's for Draco.
This is what it says:

"Hi! It's Starlight! I just wanted to say I can't wait to see you back at school! I'm really excited. And nervous. Really nervous. By the way, as my first friend here, I want to get to know you a lot better. See you soon!


P.s. my other friends call me Star.

I give the letter to James. "Find Draco." I say. The weirdest part about it. It spoke back. "OK!" And it soared up into the clouds. I Apparate back to the Burrow, smiling. "Someone's happy." Matt teases. "Who'd you meet?" "Can't say. And don't go trying to get me to tell you or I'll turn you into a toad." I say. "Fine, have it your way." He says. "Thank you." I step out into the yard to find Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Alex, Chris, and Kyle chasing gnomes. "What in the world!?" I manage to sputter out, I was laughing so hard. Once they finished, they jogged towards me. "Feeling better?" Harry asks me. "Yeah." And the rest of the summer goes by really fast. Laughing and talking with Harry was fantastic. One morning, I looked out the window and saw James flying towards the Burrow. He landed on my shoulder. I took the letter and he bit my ear affectionately. I opened the letter. It was from Draco!

"Hey! Don't be nervous. Hogwarts is a really good school, don't worry about it. Plus, as far as I know, you'll make friends pretty quickly, just don't forget about me! And by the way, I can't wait to get to know you better, and you to get to know my other friends! See you soon!


P.s. I'm going to call you the animal in whatever house your in.

I smile sheepily and hide the letter in my suitcase before anyone could see it. "Come on Star! Any slower, and I'll have to start digging my grave!" That was Percy. "Coming!" I yell back and hurry to the car. Once we get to the train station, I see Draco running through the wall. "Ugh!" Ron and Harry say at the same time. "What's wrong?" I ask confused. "Nothing. Star you go next." Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, Percy, Chris, Alex, Matt, and Kyle were already through. "OK!" And I run towards it. "Wow!" I say shocked. I look around and everyone is already on the train. I step inside looking for a seat and someone is right behind me. They cover my eyes and I ask. "Who is it?" "Guess." The voice answers and I know who it is. "Draco?" I ask. And they uncover my eyes. I turn around there's a kid with blonde hair and gray stormy eyes. "Yay! I got it right!" He chuckles. "You are so girly." He says. I feel my face feeling hot and giggle. He leads me to a compartment where there are two boys sitting. He helps me out my stuff in and sits down. He pats the seat next to him and I sit down. "She's so adorable." I hear a voice say. It sounds like Draco's voice but he's talking to the boys in front of him. I look out the window.
What does this mean?

The Lost Sister ( A Harry Potter FanFiction) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now