New Relationships

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I storm out of the Great Hall crying. "Ms. Potter, I beg your pardon, do you want a detention?" Then Snape notices me crying and crosses his arms. "It doesn't matter how upset you are, you do not disrespect a teacher. Understood?" I nod and sniffle. "Starlight! I'm sorry sir, she didn't mean it." Justin says, he got up when I said no. "Don't apologize for her Mr. Fletchley." Snape says entering the Great Hall again. "What's wrong? You would never do that to any teacher, and your eyes are dark blue, usually they are brown." He says. "It's because the way I feel reflects off of my eyes. Dark blue when I'm sad, brown when I have more than one emotion, light green when I'm confused, leaf green when I'm scared, gray when I'm mad, and light blue when I'm happy." I say. "Well, why are you sad? You were fine during our classes." "Well, Draco broke up with me. Which is why Harry punched him. But I told him not to." I say wiping my tears. "Why would he do that? You're perfect!" He says. "He said that was the problem! That he didn't deserve me! Of all the people that I could've chosen to love, it was him!" I say sitting down. "Well, if someone treats you like that, they don't deserve you." He says squeezing my shoulders​. I get up and he pulls me into a tight hug. "I know you just got out of a relationship, but do you want to be my girlfriend?" I pull away and stare into his eyes, my eyes turning light blue. "I'm guessing that was a yes?" I nod and take his hand, entering the Great Hall. "I'm sitting with you." I say. "Ok." I sat at the Hufflepuff table for lunch. "Hey, I got to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts next, what do you have?" Justin says as we leave the Great Hall. "History of Magic, but I call it nap time." I say smiling. He laughs. "Ok, I'll see you later." He says. "Bye." And I head towards History of Magic. "Hello class." Professor Binns says to us. "I would like to congratulate Ms. Potter for getting an O on the past test." He says. "Again?" I whisper laying my head on Matt's shoulder, linking my arm in his. He entwines his fingers in mine and says, "I'm not surprised." I smile and close my eyes.

"I'm back." I say looking at Nearly Headless Nick and Justin's Petrified bodies on the floor. "Why am I back here?" "Because we had to warn you." I turn around and see mum and dad. "Mum? Dad? This actually happens?" I say to them. "Yes, it does. Now, I want you to listen carefully." Mum says. "When this happens, I want you to tell Dumbledore. Go into his mind and tell him, he'll know what to do." Dad says. "I will."

"Star, wake up, class is over." I open my eyes and look at Matt. "You ok?" He asks. I nod and gather my stuff, walking to my next class. "Starlight?" I turn and see Draco walking towards me. "Draco, I'm so sorry about what Harry did. Are you alright?" I say checking his jaw. He winces. "Sorry. You should go see Madam Pomfrey, it's kind of rigid." I say. "No, I don't want to. By the way, don't apologize for Harry, he warned me not to hurt you, 'if you hurt Starlight physically, or emotionally, I will hurt you!' I believe were his precise words." He says staring at me. "You did what?" I yell in Harry's mind. "Ouch, what did I do?" He thinks innocently​. "You threatened Draco!" I yell. "So?" He asks. I stomps my foot and Draco looks at me confused. "Are y-" "I'm fine!" I yell angrily, eyes turning gray, and stomps off to class. "Good afternoon class." Professor Snape says. "Now, I don't usually do this, but one of you got an O on your Potions exam." I look up instantly. "Please don't let it be me." I think to myself. "And that was, Ms. Potter." He says lazily. I look over at Ginny who was trying to hide a smile. The class went by pretty fast after that, and before I knew it, it was time for bed. "Nice to meet you Luna!" I call waving at my new friend in Ravenclaw. "Same for me! Goodbye!" She says. "She's wonderful, isn't she?" Ginny says as we walk back to Gryffindor Tower. "Yeah, she's really something. In a good way I mean." I say to her as the door swings open. "Hey Starlight! Guess what?" Chris says as we walk in. "What?" I ask. "I asked Charity out." He says. "Well, what did she say?" I say feeling very happy, my eyes turning brown. "She said yes!" He says excitedly. "Congratulations!" Ginny says. "Thanks, goodnight you two." He says. "Goodnight!" We say in unison. We walk into our dormitory and I lay down on my bed. "Goodnight Ginny." I say tiredly. "Goodnight." We both fell asleep instantly.


Hey guys! Because today is my birthday, I wanted to post another chapter, hope you enjoyed it!

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