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Christmas break is over, and school started up again. "Draco, wake up!" Draco's dormitory was empty except for the two of us. "Lioness, go away!" He rolls over and puts the covers over his head. "Why?" I ask sitting on the bed. "Because you are annoying me and I'm tired." He says. I pull the covers off of his head and lay down next to him. "You know classes start in half in hour right?" I say. "What?!?!" He exclaims jumping up. "I like your pajamas." I say looking at his green and gray pajamas. His face turns scarlet and he walks into the bathroom. "I'll wait for you in the common room!" I call. "Ok!" He calls back. I walk out and see Lucy. "Hey Starlight!" She says. "Hi!" I say sitting in the armchair across from her. "Where's Malfoy?" She asks. "Upstairs, he forgot school started up again today." She laughs. "Sounds about right." "Ok, I'm done. Let's go." I turn and see Draco. "Ok." Me, Draco, and Lucy start walking towards the Great Hall. "Starlight!" I turn around and see Chris running. "What are you running from?" I ask. "The basilisk!" He yells and runs past me. I look at Draco and Lucy and run after him. "What do you mean? Did you see it?" I ask once we stop. "You can't look at a basilisk Star, you'd die." He says huffing. "What's a basilisk?" Draco asks. "It's a snake with a death stare. Literally, you look into it's eyes, you're dead." Lucy says. "How do you know that?" Chris asks. "What can I say, I love snakes." She says. "Ok well, now that that's over with, can we eat now?" Draco says. I giggle and nod. We enter the Great Hall and I immediately see Harry. "I'm sitting at the Gryffindor table today." I say. "Ok, bye." Draco and Lucy say in unison. "Bye." I say and walk over to Harry. "You're still going to the Dueling Club right?" I say to him sitting down. "Hello to you too, and yes, I am." He says. "Sorry, I'm a little distracted." I say. "Do you want to talk about it?" "No!" I say instantly. "Ok calm down! What do you have first?" He says. "Charms. Professor Flitwick said I'm higher in the class than anyone else, except for Hermione of course." I say happily. "You don't eat very much." He says watching me flip through my Charms textbook. "I know it's so weird!" I take out my wand, pointing it at the toast. "Accio toast!" I say, the toast zooming into my hand. "Wicked." He says. "Thanks." I say eating rapidly. "Don't eat too fast, you'll get sick." He says. "Shut up." I say closing my book. "I have to go, I forgot my homework." I say getting up. "Alright, see you later!" He says. I salute him and head towards Gryffindor Tower. I grab my homework quickly and head towards the Charms classroom. "Starlight, wait up!" I turn around and see Justin jogging to catch up to me. "Hey!" I say feeling relieved that he's still ok. "You ok? You look a little funny." He says as we enter the classroom. "I'm fine. Did you do the homework this time?" I ask. "Actually, I did." He says sitting down. "Mhm." I say sitting next to him. "What?!?! I did!" I giggle and take out my wand, textbook, and homework. "Hello class!" Professor Flitwick said once everyone sat down. "If you remember, you had homework over break, which I will be collecting in just a moment." He says sitting at his desk. "But first, I would like to congratulate Ms. Potter, for having an O on the last test." He says beaming at me. Justin looks at me and smiles, I blush and start to mess with my hair. "Of course you got the best grade in the class." He whispers to me. I smile and bury my face into my textbook. Professor Flitwick collected our homework and told us to practice the spells we already knew. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I look over at Justin and laugh. The feather had just exploded in his face. "We need another feather over here Professor!" I say, wiping the soot off of his face. "Thanks, how do you make Charms look so easy?" He says looking back at his book. "Because I've had years of practice." I say. "But underaged magic is against the law." He says looking at me. "Oh, right, I never told you." I say. "Tell me what?" He asks. I inhale sharply. "I-I'm an angel." I say. "Really? Now I can use that awful pick up line." He says smiling. "Which one?" "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He says. I laugh and punch him lightly. "No, it didn't." He laughs and points his wand at the lock on the table. "Alohamora!" I hear a click and clap. "Oh my gosh, I did it!" He says excitedly. "You did, good job!" I say. The bell rang and I gathered up my stuff. "Hey Starlight!" Ginny says approaching me. "Hey Ginny!" I say waiting for Justin. "Listen, later, I want you to meet my friend from Ravenclaw." She says. "Alright." "Ok, I'm done, let's go." Justin says. We walk out and get through our other two classes. It's time for lunch and I find Draco talking with Crabbe and Goyle. "Hey Draco!" I say. "Hey Starlight, can I talk to you? Alone?" He says. "Umm, sure." I say nervously. We step to the side as Crabbe and Goyle enter the Great Hall. "Look, I-I think we should break up." He says. "W-what? Wait why? D-did I do something wrong?" I stutter somehow hiding my emotions. "No! You're perfect, that's the problem! I love you, but I don't think we should be together, I'm not good enough for you." He says. "Can we still hang out?" I ask. "I mean, if you want to then yeah." He says. "O-ok." I say as he walks into the Great Hall. My eyes turn dark blue and I hurry inside and see Harry by himself. "H-Hi." I say to him sitting down. "Hey! Are you ok?" He says looking into my eyes. "Yes?" He raises an eyebrow. I sigh. "No. I-I'm not ok." I say. "Well, now you need to talk to me about it because your eyes are dark blue." He says. "Ok, but not here." I say. "Then, let's go." He says getting up. "Umm, o-ok." I say standing up. We walk out of the Great Hall and we walk down to Gryffindor Tower. The common room was empty and I sit down into the armchair near the window. "Now, tell me what's wrong." "You have to promise not to do anything." I say. "We'll see." I take a deep breath. "Draco broke up with me." I say tearing up. Harry gets up and storms out of the room. "Harry?" I call. I run after him, calling his name. "Harry? Harry, I asked you not to do anything." "I never promised." He says entering the Great Hall. He walks towards the Slytherin table. "Get up Malfoy!" He yells pointing his wand at him. "Or you'll what?" He says crossing his arms. Harry punches Draco in the jaw and I hear a crack. The whole Great Hall became silent and everyone looked at what was happening. "Harry no!" I say. "What happened here?" Snape says walking to the table. "Potter just punched me, sir." Draco says dramatically. I roll my eyes and try to walk away but Snape stops me. "And where are you going Ms. Potter?" "I'm leaving." I say, turning and walking towards the door. "Come back here Ms. Potter." He demands. I turn to look at him. "No." And I walk out.


Hey guys! I don't remember the order that the events happened in the book so it will just be scattered around this story.

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