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After the Quidditch match, I visited Harry in the hospital wing. I bonded with Lucy and Charity, and stayed in the Slytherin Dungeons from time to time, and before I knew it, it was Halloween. "Wake up!" I roll on my side, see Draco standing next to my bed, and mumble, "Draco, go away." "No. It's Halloween today and there is a huge feast for dinner." I sit up. "Fine, but I'm going with Lucy to the Great Hall." I say. He kisses my forehead. "OK lioness, bye." "Bye." And he leaves. I manage to roll out of bed, and head to the bathroom. I enter the Slytherin common room in a pumpkin colored dress that goes to my knees, calf-high black boots with three inch heels, and my long loose curls tumbling down my back. "Ready?" Lucy says approaching me. "Yes. Oh! I almost forgot! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I squeal. She rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm hungry let's just go." She says, and we leave, heading towards the Great Hall. "Hi!" I turn around and see Charity. "Hi!" Lucy and I say in unison. "Happy Birthday Lucy!" Charity says. "Yeah yeah, thanks." Charity and I laugh. "Come on! Cheer up! There's a dinner feast on your birthday! How much more lucky can you get?" I say to her. We enter the Great Hall. "Bye Lucy." I say. "Bye." She says and heads towards the Slytherin table. "Bye Star!" Charity says and walks off. I find Alex looking at the Slytherin table, and follow his eyes. He's looking at Lucy! "You like her, don't you?" I ask sitting down. "No." I raise an eyebrow. "Is it that obvious?" He asks blushing. "Yes. You should go talk to her. After the Quidditch match, I never saw you talk to her again." I say. "Easy for you to say. You have a boyfriend." "She has a WHAT!?!?" I turn and see Harry. "Oops." Alex whispers, shoving his mouth with food. "Outside. Now." Harry says. I follow him outside. "Please don't yell." I squeak. "You. Have. A. WHAT?!" He yells, making me flinch. "I-I have a boyfriend." I whisper softly, but I'm guessing he heard me because his reaction was insane. "A BOYFRIEND?!?! WHO IS IT?!?! WHERE IS HE?!?! Ooh I'll show him-" "Stop! OK. Just stop!" I say shaking angrily, eyes turning gray. "This is why I didn't want to tell you-" He cuts me off. "It's Malfoy, isn't it?" He asks me calmly. I say nothing. "I knew it." He says angrily. "I'll-" "You'll do nothing." I say cutting him off, he takes a deep breath. "How long have you been dating?" He asks. "About two months." I say, ready for more yelling. "OK." He says. "OK?" I ask confused, eyes turning light green. "I won't do anything. But if he hurts you-" "Thank you!" I say wrapping him in a huge hug. I let go. "So I'll see you at the feast?" I ask him. "Actually, no. I have to go to Nearly Headless Nick's deathday party." He says. "Oh. OK!" I reply. "You know what that is?" I nod. "It's when you celebrate the day of your death." I say. "Well anyway see you later." He says. "OK bye." And he walks back into the Great Hall. "Lioness. What was that about?" I turn and see Draco approaching me. "Umm.... Harry may or may not have found out we were together." I say cautiously. "Oh OK. Should I be worried?" He asks. "Yes. Very." I say. "Well then, alright. Oh I almost forgot, Weaslette was looking for you." Draco says, leaving me standing alone confused. Eyes turning brown again, I head towards Gryffindor Tower. I enter the room I sleep in and see Ginny crying. "Ginny, what's wrong?" I ask sitting next to her. "I-I d-d-don't unders-stand. W-what's wrong with m-me?" She sobs. I touch her arm and feel a powerful sensation. I turn my head and find a little black notebook sitting on her bedside table. I pick it up and open to find a name: Tom Riddle. "Who's Tom Riddle?" I ask. She snatches the notebook and stomps out of the dormitory, mumbling angrily. I head back down stairs and see Kyle in a corner practicing his magic. I look around, no one is here except for us. I throw my hair clip at him, making him lose focus. The water he was levitating splashed on his lap. "What?" He snarled. I crossed my arms and he looks up. "Uh oh." He says. "Uh oh is right. You still have your powers and you didn't tell me." I say walking down the stairs and sitting next to him. "We all do." He say putting the clip back in my hair. "Great!" I exclaim. "That means that you can help me control mine." I say happily, eyes turning light blue. "Control?" He asks alarmed. "Don't worry. Now you guys can help!" "Actually, we can't." He says going through the portrait hole, leaving me alone. I run through Harry's thoughts. "Can I ride your Nimbus 2000?" "Yes. But be careful." He replies. I run up to his dormitory, grab his broom, and head towards the Quidditch pitch. "Accio Golden Snitch." I say wand raised. A few seconds pass and a little winged ball comes zooming, landing in my hand. I release it and it flutters rapidly all around the field. I hop on Harry's broom and kick off the ground, soaring high. About five minutes pass and I see it near the ground. I dive quickly and snatch it, mounting off the broom. "That was fun." I say aloud, walking back towards Gryffindor Tower. I drop off Harry's broom and sneak the Snitch back into Madam Hooch's office. "What were you doing in there?" I look up and see Draco standing behind the door. "I was.....Doing nothing!" I say quickly. "Mhm." "I-I" I mumble angrily and stomps away, but he follows me. "I saw you. You were amazing!" He says stopping in front of me, making me stop. "I'm trying to understand how you work." I say to him, a confused look on his face. "You're cute when you're confused, anyway, I mean boys, I'm trying to understand how boys work." He smiles slightly. "Oh no! Not that! I mean, boys have this 'natural instinct' where they have to protect me because I don't want it. But when I need help, they don't even want to talk to me." I say, clutching my stomach. "Are you OK?" He asks trying to keep me upright. "Get........Harry!" I fall to floor. The last thing I see was Draco running towards the Great Hall.
I open my eyes to find huge yellow eyes looking at a cat. "Mrs. Norris?" I think to myself confused. The eyes' reflection was on the water, and Mrs. Norris looked into the water and froze completely. "What?"
I wake up and see Harry above me holding my right hand and Draco holding the left. "What happened?" I ask, both of their heads turned to look at me. "Well, you were telling me something and then you were clutching your stomach, telling me to get Harry. Then, you fell and when I found him, we came rushing back and found you with a-a tail." Draco says. I look down, I had legs. "But once we lifted you up, it disappeared and you had your legs back. Did I mention you are as light as a feather?" Harry says brushing my hair behind my ear. "What time is it?" I ask sitting up. "It's almost lunch time." Draco says, letting go of my hand. "Oh. So I missed my morning classes?" I ask. "Yup." Harry says, letting go of my hand. "Well, you guys go on ahead, I'll see you later." They both leave the room.


Hey guys! The next chapter I will be posting will be from Harry's point of view because he is going to have a chat with Draco.

The Lost Sister ( A Harry Potter FanFiction) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now