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"Star?" I look away from the window and Draco is looking at me worried. "Hmm?" I answer. He points to my hair clip. "Is it a snowflake?" I ask. He nods. "Is it shooting sparks?" He nods. I take it off and sing softly. The three boys look at me stunned, Draco's jaw drops. I put the clip back in my hair. "What is it now?" I ask politely. "You sing amazing!" The three boys say at once. I blush and giggle. "Anything from the trolley dears?" I look up. "No thank you." I smile politely at her and she turns to Draco and the other two boys. "We'll take the lot!" He says giving her a small pouch. She leaves. "You want something?" Draco asks me while the two boys across from us eat. I shake my head. "I almost forgot! Star, this is Vincent Crabbe, and that's Gregory Goyle." The two boys look up and I smile. "Pleased to meet you." I say. Fred and George pop there heads in the compartment. "Hi!" They say in unison. I giggle. It's funny when they do that. "Hello." I say. Then I realize it. "Fred? George?" "Yeah?" They say in unison again. "Did Harry and Ron come after me when I got here?" I ask. "Not that I remember. Why?" Fred asks me. Then I start to feel dizzy. The last thing I saw was Draco's face. I whisper softly, "Get the guys." Everything went dark.
I wake up and see Chris, Alex, Matt, and Kyle standing above me. "How long was I out?" I ask. "Only a couple minutes." Chris says feeling my forehead. Fred and George are in the doorway. "You OK?" George asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say. Draco looks like he's going to be sick. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Oh! Did Malfoy become a softie?" The twins say in unison. I giggle. "Shut up." Draco says. "Hey! Cut it out you three." I say. "Sorry." The three say at once. I giggle again. "What's so funny?" Matt asks. "Nothing." I say. I look out the window. "We're here!" I yell excited, hug Draco, and run out. "Girls." The nine say, and laugh. "Come on let's go." "Firs' years! Firs' years over 'ere." Yelled a large burly man. I approach him. "Hi! I'm Starlight Potter!" "Wha' you mean?" He asks looking at me like I'm insane. "Sorry. I.... I didn't mean....." I stutter. "No, i's alright I'm Rubeus Hagrid, but everyone just calls me Hagrid." "Well, c'mon Hagrid we're going to be late!" I say. The other first years come around and I'm on a boat with Ginny, Matt, and Kyle. "Wow!" I say. Matt and Kyle grin and I turn around. "What?" I asks. They all laugh and Matt just says, "Now I know why Draco acts like that around you." "Acts like what?" I ask. They all laugh again. "You are a pathetic little angel." Ginny teases. I laugh. "Well you seem to like me so I guess it counts for something." I say smiling. We dock on the shore and everyone starts talking to each other. In about five minutes we enter a huge room where I see Draco. He waves at me and I smile and wave back. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" I recognize that man. It's Dumbledore! "Now we will go on to the sorting."

Author's note: I personally hate author's notes but I'm only doing the important names and the names that I remember, plus the other five. And I'm skipping the song because neither in the book or the movie the song was never sung so I don't know it.

"Now, when I call your name, you will sit on the stool and I will place the hat on your head, then you will sit at your table." Said an elderly woman.
"Fletchley, Justin." "HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Lovegood, Luna." "RAVENCLAW!"
"Creevey, Colin." "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Weasley, Ginerva." "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Davis, Mathew." "GRYFFINDOR!"
I smile and give him a thumbs up. The other three got into Gryffindor and now I'm the last one.
"Potter, Starlight." A whisper spreads around the room and Draco looks at me and smiles. I smile nervously back as the hat is placed on my head. "Hmm, very difficult to place. You are loyal, which would put you in Hufflepuff, but your cunning, which could place you in Slitherin, hmm you are very intelligent, putting you in Ravenclaw would be good too, but your brave and true at heart no doubt about that. Alright, better be GRYFFINDOR!" The hat is removed and everyone is cheering so loudly I feel like it would never be quiet again. Percy walks up to me. "Well done, you're in Gryffindor." And with that he walks off. "Have you seen Harry or Ron at all?" I ask Matt. "No, but I'm sure he's fine." He answers trying to comfort me. "Oh! I almost forgot, I have to find Dumbledore." And with that, I'm gone.
I walk around the halls for a while and find myself face to face with Peeves the Poltergeist. "Ooh naughty Potty, you should be back in your bed, Peeves will tell Filch."
"Could you do that I have to find Professor Dumbledore." "FIRST YEAR OUT OF BED! FIRST YEAR OUT OF BED!" Yelled Peeves. "Where Peeves, where?" Filch shouted. "Oh hello Starlight." He says looking at me. Peeves' jaw drops and he leaves muttering agrily to himself. "What are you doing out of bed young lady." He says looking at me sternly. "I was looking for Professor Dumbledore sir, it's important." I say. "Well he's in the staff room go right ahead." And with that he leaves. I enter the room where Dumbledore is speaking with the elderly woman which earlier I found out was Professor McGonagall. "H-Hi." I say feeling a little nauseous. "Are you alright?" Professor McGonagall asks me stepping towards me. "I'm alright. Professor Dumbledore, could I have a word with you?" I ask. "Of course, Minerva, we will have this discussion later." She left the room. "Now what is it you want to speak to me about?" He asks. "Well I wanted to know if Harry and Ron were here." I say. "Yes, they arrived a little after you did. Is that all?" "No. Umm, when I was on the train here, I-I could here voices. But not just any voices, I mean actual thoughts people were having." I say. "It's simple really Starlight, you're a mind reader. Nothing too serious, now it's getting late, head back to your dormitory and get some rest." I leave and stand in front of the fat lady portrait. "Password?" She asked. I didn't know what the password was so I looked into Matt's mind. "Wattlebird." I enter a room where students were talking, then it fell silent. "Hey Starlight what's the matter?" Harry asks approaching me. "Hi. I had something I had to do." I answer. "You look tired, you should probably head to your dormitory. Oh, this is Hermione, Hermione Granger." "Hi, I should probably take you there, you look like you could fall at any moment. She leads me upstairs into a room where I find Ginny sleeping. "Goodnight." Hermione says looking me. "Goodnight." She closes the door, I fall on the bed and I'm out like a light.

The Lost Sister ( A Harry Potter FanFiction) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now