Plans and Actions

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"Starlight. Starlight wake up." I feel a surge of pain searing through my scar and open my eyes. "What?" I ask. "Potter saved Weaslette." I sit up a little too quickly and clutch my stomach. "Calm down, she's ok. She told me to make sure you were ok." Draco says. "Of course she would." I mutter. "Starlight, are you listening?" I turn to him frustrated. "I am listening! I just can't look at you!" I yell. He flinches with a confused look on his face. "Draco, don't you get it? I love you, but I'm technically still in a relationship and we kissed." The door opens and I see Lucy. "Starlight! You've been asleep for a long time." Lucy says hugging me awkwardly. "How long exactly?" I say looking over at Draco. "Four months." He mutters silently. "Didn't catch that." I say cupping my hand on my ear. "Four months Starlight. You've been like that for four months." He says. "What day is it?" I ask surprisingly ​calm. "June 19." He says. Sparks start to ignite on my fingertips. "Uh oh. Alex told me about this." Lucy walks over to Draco and grabs his arms. "Unless you want to get seriously hurt, you might want to leave." She says. He nods and follows after her, closing the door behind him.

Anger fills my entire body, lightning now crackling around me. At this moment, I realize that I'm not safe anymore. My eyes turn leaf green and something tells me it will stay like that for a long time. My long hair flaps in all the wind that I created, making a leaf green streak on my left side. The rest of my hair turns dark brown, like Harry's. A dress appears on me. It's black with a glittery leaf green belt, which has a lightning bolt buckle. I'm also wearing leather black boots with three-inch​ heels and fingerless leather gloves.

I fall to the floor with a thud, my curly long hair falls down. I look at the streak and then at my outfit. I look in the mirror and see my leaf green eyes. Tears are well in my eyes and I run out. "Starli- woah what just-" I run out of the Slytherin common room, trying to ignore Draco. I bump into someone and fall to the floor. "Starlight?" I look up and see Justin, fear rising. "Are you ok? What happened? You look different?" I stand up and with all my strength, "We are over." I say, and walk towards Gryffindor Tower. "Passw- Starlight? I haven't seen you in a long time!" The Fat Lady portrait exclaims. I force a smile on my face and she opens the door. I see Hermione, Ginny, Colin, and everyone else in the common room. "The draught? They made it?" I say aloud. Everyone falls silent and looks at me. "Starlight! We were all brought back not that long ago." Hermione says. "Are you alright?" Oliver Wood says approaching me. "Yeah, I-I'm fine. Do you know where the guys are?" I ask. "I saw them leave earlier." Ginny says. "Right, thanks." I say. "Wait, why?" Hermione asks. "Today is their birthday, sort of." I say waving good bye and leaving the common room, thankful they didn't notice my eyes. I enter the Great Hall and instantly see Chris with Charity, and Alex with Lucy. Kyle and Matt are sitting, again, talking to each other. Matt looks at me and jumps up. "Starlight!" He runs to me and wraps me in a tight hug. "Hi." I say hugging him back. Kyle and Chris jump up too and run towards me. "You're back!" Kyle says pulling away from our hug. Chris hugs me next, smiling brightly. "I missed you!" He says. "Aw. I missed you too!" Alex sees me and, like the rest of the boys, runs up to me and hugs me. "Lucy said you were awake, but I didn't believe her!" He says. "That reminds me! Since I've been asleep for about four months I didn't have time to get you any gifts, so… Happy Birthday!" I exclaim pulling them all into a group hug. "Starlight? Is that you?" I turn and see Harry. His eyes widen and he wraps me in hug. "You're awake! Lucy was keeping me updated." He says. "I'm not the only one who's awake." I say looking over his shoulder. "What do you mean?" I point over at the door and he turns and sees Hermione. She runs to him and gives him a huge hug. I look over at Ron who gets up and shakes her hand awkwardly. I roll my eyes and walk over to the Ravenclaw table. "Haven't seen you in a long time Star." Said a dreamy voice. "Hi Luna." I say smiling. "You should go with your other friends, looks like they're waiting for you." I smile and head towards the Gryffindor table.

After that day, I resumed my classes, and before I knew it, it was time to for summer break. "I hadn't even thought about where we'd go!" I say slapping my forehead. "I took that into my own hands." I turn and see Dumbledore. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Well, you'll be separated." He begins. "What?!?!" Alex, Kyle, Matt, Chris, and I yell. "Mr. Sanchez, you will be going with Ms. Blood, Mr. Avery, you will be going with Ms. Kingsley, Mr. Stevens and Mr. Davis, you will be going with Mr. Malfoy, and last, but certainly not least, Starlight, you will be going with Harry to the Dursley's." Dumbledore says. "No she won't. With all do respect Professor, I can't let you do that." Harry says. "It has all been prepared Harry, there's no going back." Dumbledore says. "Fine. But I will do everything to protect her." "I expect nothing less of you." He says smiling. "Come on, the train will leave without us." I say grabbing my stuff. "Right." Harry mutters. Once we got on the train, Harry went to go look for Hermione and Ron, leaving me with my four best friends. "Star, you didn't think that we didn't notice your different appearance, did you?" Chris asks. I lowered my head. "You're scared all the time, why?" Alex asks. "We're not in heaven, it took me a long time to realize, that even though I have extremely powerful magic, bad things can still happen to me." I say. "And that's where we come in." Kyle says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "It took a long time, but we know why you didn't die when you looked at Bloodlust." Matt says. "Why?" I ask. "The spell that we cast didn't just bring us to life." Chris started. "It made us immortal." Matt says. I look at them with wide eyes, trying to comprehend what I just heard. "Come on Starlight! We're here!" I look up and see Harry. "O-ok." I say grabbing my stuff. Before I leave, I plant a kiss on my four best friends' foreheads. I follow Harry all the way outside and stare at the Dursley's. "Starlight, this Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Cousin Dudley." Harry says introducing us. I look them over, one by one, and look back at Harry scaredly. "It's alright." He says. "You're weird." Dudley says to me. I try to contain my laughter, but fail. "You have no idea." I say laughing, looking over at Harry. "Something tells me this is going to be the most bizarre summer ever." He says smiling. "You and me both." I say hugging my older brother. "Well, let's get a move on." Uncle Vernon says angrily. We get into the car and drive to Number Four Privet Drive.


Hey guys! This is the last chapter to The Lost Sister (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) (Book 1)! I will be posting the first chapter on the second book soon so be on the look out!

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