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Third Person:

For Danbi it was quite amazing to meet someone like Jisung, someone as pure minded and nice like him, someone so different from the boys in her school.

She honestly didn't expect someone like him still existed in this world as most boys now a days wanted nothing, but to, you know..

   Naughty stuff.

She had found amusement in how Jisung's face scrunched up when she told him it was a pretty tattoo, and he had left in embarrassment which then resulted in him later that day regretted not saying anything else.

Disappointment did wash over her when she looked at her tattoo and saw nothing, nothing had changed which then made it clear that they weren't meant to be, that, of course, made her quite sad.

"You okay?" Her dad had walked by, now he stood against the doorframe, looking at the girl, who ran a hand over the broken heart, with concern in his eyes before the girl nodded, and he did the same, walking away once again.

But now when she thought about it their tattoos would've been good together, his needle could've patched up her heart, that made sense in her head, and she frowned.

He was just so nice, and the more she thought about him not being her soulmate, the more disappointed did she get, maybe he already had found his soulmate.

   And he had.

It wasn't like he disliked her, he just didn't like her particularly much, and the scene when they met kept on replaying in his head, making him cringe each time.

In Jisung's opinion their tattoos had nothing to do with each other as her tattoo resembled a bear, a teddy bear, which he didn't think of as anything special, it would be more special if it was something like a broken heart, then he'd be able to patch it up.

   He remembered it clearly; how they met.

They met yesterday, so he couldn't really have an opinion about how he felt about her, but it just didn't feel right.

She was new, at least in his class because he was sure she seemed a bit familiar, maybe he had seen her when he was younger?

The system worked like, you wouldn't be able to know who your soulmate was until you turned fourteen which was why Jisung was positive, he knew her when they were younger, but back to how they met.

Ordinary Wednesday, until they in the very last period got a new student in their class, and surprise, it was Mikyeong, his soulmate.

When she took the seat beside him, a stinging pain erupted from his wrist, and as he grabbed it to see what was happening, he saw it had changed directions as well as a tiny teddy bear had appeared beside it, that was when he heard the voice from beside him;

   "I guess we're soulmates."

It was surprising Danbi didn't notice the tiny teddy bear, but she just didn't, and that gave her fake hope he was her soulmate which turned out he wasn't, she didn't know at that time though, she didn't know how it felt like to find your soulmate.

Then again, Jisung didn't know either, but when he saw her tattoo to see a needle patching up the teddy bear, he, without a doubt, knew it was her, and in that moment he felt happy, happy to finally have found his soulmate.

He just didn't expect her to be so attached to his hip the whole day, even when he walked home, which he, by the end of the day, already had grown tired of.

When his best friends got the news, they were so excited about it, wanting to meet the oh-so-lucky girl as soon as possible, but Jisung wasn't as enthusiastic as they were, already finding it annoying how she was stuck to him all day.

"Stop frowning like that, you were destined to be together!" Renjun had exclaimed, shaking the younger boy by the shoulders, who just let out a sigh, not really convinced, and Donghyuck took over for Renjun, shaking him a bit fiercer than the Chinese boy had done.

"Come on, seriously, you were the first one out of us to meet your soulmate, you should be excited!" That had made him puff out his cheeks before finally nodding his head, earning him a hit to the shoulder from Donghyuck, who let go of him again.

"She was probably so excited about finally meeting you, she probably isn't like that tomorrow." Mark had reassured Jisung, who gave him a smile and a nod, but that wasn't how it turned out to be.

The next day, which also was the day they met, him and Danbi, she was just as attached to him as the previous day, and Jisung couldn't wait to dance later that day, she even asked if she could go with him!

   That was a big no, at least in Jisung's opinion.

Tomorrow was Friday and he was excited for the weekend, getting some time with his friends, it had already been a week since they had started in school after the holidays, but he wasn't the only excited one.

Danbi was going to meet up with her older sister and her soulmate.

Her older sister, Jiyeon, found her soulmate when she left for China to study, and Danbi had found her soulmate adorable, the way he stuttered when trying to speak Korean.

   His name was Sicheng.

Danbi wanted a soulmate as sweet as him, who treated her like a princess, but would fate really be that nice to let two girls from the same family have a prince?

No, it wasn't as easy as that, and someone had to be paired up with someone horrible, life couldn't be fair for everyone.

There would always be that one person in the crowd, who stood out, who'd wonder how they got destined to be with that specific person, who only seemed to mess up their life, and Danbi..

   She was one of them who stood out.

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