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Danbi's POV:

"I'm so nervous, what if they don't support it?" My heart could probably be heard a thousand miles away, okay probably not, but my point is that I was nervous, and the much larger hand wrapped around mine gave my hand a squeeze.

"Don't think too much about it, okay?" My eyes landed on Jisung, and I breathed out through my nose loudly, my head moving up and down in a nod.

"Right, you're right, I shouldn't." Those words left me as a mumble as my slightly shaking hands unlocked the door to my house, and I stepped inside, Jisung following right behind.

"Mom, dad, I'm home and I brought someone." I felt Jisung's hand move from my hand to rest around my waist, and I was tugged closer to him, his warmth making me feel a bit at ease.

A few thumps could be heard from upstairs, and I could just imagine my younger brother toppling a chair or something.

"Oh, Jisung, hello!" The smirk which stretched out on his face when he noticed where his hand was made me want to kick him, but I was a good sister most of the time, so I didn't do that.

"Jisung, hello." My dad and mom came to greet us a few seconds after Inkwon had, and they too must've had noticed his hand, but decided to say nothing.

"Mom, dad, Inkwon. I got something very important to say, and I gotta do it quickly because we have an appointment later." Even I could hear how my voice got smaller and more careful by the end of my sentence, and I saw my mother's eyebrows furrow at the word 'appointment'.

Though, before she could question what kind of appointment it was, I was quick to speak up again;

"Jisung and I are getting our tattoos removed." The boy beside me had started to rub circles on my waist, and I looked up at him to avoid the flabbergasted expressions which lingered on my parents' faces.

"Finally, I'm so tired of her whining." My brother's voice was loud and made both me and Jisung jerk slightly.

At his words though, my mother let out a laugh, and instead of a surprised look on her face, a yet happy one was shining, making some of my tensed muscles calm down a bit.

"Are you sure about this?" My dad wasn't wearing a surprised look on his face anymore either, but a rather worried one, and when the question left him he actually focused more on Jisung than me.

"I am in love with your daughter, so I'm sure about it." Jisung spoke up, and I could just imagine how goofy the smile on my face made me look.

"It's amazing you've found love, both of you. I couldn't be more happy for you, I just wish there was another way." My mother had given me a quick hug and even given the boy one as well.

After glancing at his phone quickly and noticing that we should get going, he swiftly thanked for the blessings, and we bid them goodbye.

"Take care of yourselves and good luck!"

As soon as the door closed behind us we let out a sigh at the same time, and a rather lighthearted laugh left the taller boy before he pulled me towards him.

"I can't believe how smoothly that went." His hands were gripping my sides, his forehead resting against mine, and I leaned up to peck his nose lightly, my head shaking from side to side.

"I can't either, I'm so relieved." I placed a hand on my chest, earning a snicker from the boy.

"But now we're left with my parents, and I'm already shaking." His lips turned into a pout, and I pinched his lips together, my free hand moving down to intertwine our fingers.

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