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Jisung's POV:

A laugh escaped Mikyeong as she took my arm in a tight grip between hers, and to be polite, I held onto her arm as well.

After my parents had requested to meet my soulmate, we were on our way to meet them, which wasn't the most exciting thing for me to do, I could've hung out with the guys or something, but no, my parents had to meet her.

"Jisung, do you have a pool?" What a weird question to ask me, at least in my opinion it wasn't a question I had expected, and I shook my head slowly, a bit confused as her face scrunched up in a frown.

"Mhm, that's fine, you're cute so." Her shoulders moved up in a shrug, and I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes as I continued to lead the way towards my parents' house.

I honestly knew nothing about her other than she did okay in school and was a tennis player, she didn't like dancing either, I knew that, she actually found it a bit annoying how I always talked about dancing, wasn't she the one, who wanted to tag along when I was going to practice with the boys?

"Do you have any pets? A cat maybe?" Once again, I shook my head, sending a pout to her face, which any other normal guy would probably have found adorable, but I honestly found it to be a bit weird.

"My close friend, Jeno, is allergic." Me and the guys were, most of the time, either hanging out at my house or at Mark's dorm, and since Jeno was allergic to cats, I declined when my parents asked if I wanted one.

"What about.. A dog?" This time, I actually rolled my eyes, just not in her direction, and I gave her the same answer as before, I shook my head.

"Too much work, not enough time." My shoulder moved up as I shrugged, and I stopped her in front of my house.

My arm was let go of her tight grip and as I was about to sigh out in relief, one of her hands moved down to interlock itself with mine, sending the blood to my face at the intimate contact, and I unlocked the door with my other hand.

The smell of something cooking filled my nose, sending a small grin to my face as I closed the door behind us, and after taking off my shoes, I headed towards the kitchen to greet my parents, who both were cooking.

"Jisung? I haven't told you, but I don't eat meat.." My eyebrows furrowed, and I looked at my dad, who was cooking some kind of meat.

"I'll just tell them that." It wasn't an excuse to let go of her hand, but I slid my hand out of hers and walked into the kitchen completely, to tell my dad about it, my mom only shrugged.

"We have vegetables as well." How sad must it be not to eat meat, I couldn't imagine myself doing that, she really had self-control.

After telling her what my mom said, she grinned, before clinging onto my arm once again, and I took a deep breath trying not to show my annoyance.

This was a bit unusual of me, why was I so annoyed?

"Can you show me your room?" Nodding, I lead the way towards my room and as soon as I opened the door, she was gushing about everything she could, really, like the picture of me and the guys when we just finished a dancing competition last year.

"Who's that guy?" She pointed at Chenle, who was smiling brightly on the picture of me and him, I smiled slightly at the memory, grabbing the picture so she didn't bend it or something.

"That's Chenle." Her head moved up then down in a nod, and I was pretty sure a 'he's pretty cute' left her which I frowned slightly at.

"Oh, is this your tablet? Can I play on it?" It was after she had grabbed the small tablet lying on my table she had asked that question, and without giving me a chance to answer, she was already playing some random game on it, I shook my head, before sitting down on my bed.

If that kept her entertained then it was fine by me, I didn't have to keep her entertained, and I dug through my pockets, before fishing out my phone.

Such a perfect timing as it vibrated, signaling someone had sent me a message, and I smiled just a tiny bit when I realized it was Danbi.

'Hey, what's up?'

My eyes moved up to look at Mikyeong, who was too immersed in playing some game than to notice me texting with another person, and I turned back to look at my phone with a shrug.

'Hey! Hanging out with my soulmate..'

After pressing send it didn't take longer than a few moments for my phone to vibrate, another message popping up on my screen.

'Ah, you already found yours? Is she nice?'

Once again, I looked up to make sure the tablet hadn't gotten boring, and when I saw my soulmate making weird faces at it, I knew she was taking pictures, her actions had me rolling my eyes once again.

'There are many other words which could describe her better..'

   It took a few moments for me to finally press send as I debated whether I sounded too rude or not, maybe she understood it the wrong way and thought I meant good words?

'Ah I see, then why are you texting me, if you're with her?'

   A chuckle left me as I remembered her being the one to text me first, and Mikyeong looked up at me confusion clear on her face, but I only shook my head, turning back to my phone in my hands.

'Because I like talking to yo-'

   Blinking, I deleted everything again, my teeth gnawing down on my lower lip as I felt a sudden urge to send those exact words, and I started writing again, but the words which itched to actually leave my fingertips, didn't come out the way I wanted it to.

'My tablet is more important than me I guess.'

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