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Third Person:

"We're hanging out today, aren't we? You promised me to help me find a dress for Jihyo's birthday party!" The high-pitched voice made the boy, who was busy filling his locker with his books, jerk slightly, and Jisung turned around, his eyes immediately finding the ground instead of Mikyeong's eyes.

Jisung didn't remember promising her such thing, and today was a bad day as he had other plans, plans with Danbi.

"You see.. Today is a bad day.. Something came up." As those words left him, Jisung quickly turned around to shut his locker once again but before he could walk towards the school gates, the girl took a hold of the boy's arm.

"What happened?" A breath got stuck in the boy's throat, and he cleared it to make sure he didn't suffocate himself.

"Please let go on my arm." At his request the girl only shook her head, and Jisung had to drag her with him, at least till they both were out of the school where she asked him again.

"What happened Jisung? I thought we agreed to hang out today!" The girl clinging to his arm kept on whining, which started to annoy the boy to the point of wanting to run away, and Jisung only freed his arm from her grip before continuing his way out of the school, the girl following right behind him.

"I told you already.. Something.. Came up." At the pout which formed on her face he only turned his head, experiencing a strong feeling of awkwardness rush through him, and the boy let a small apology escape his lips, before he bolted down the sidewalk.

The unexpected bolt made Mikyeong freeze, and the pout slowly morphed into a scowl as her arms wrapped around her.

She knew something was up, and she was almost positive it had something to do with that girl he kept texting.

There was no way Mikyeong would let another girl steal her soulmate.

If only it had been that easy for Danbi to explain that it was a bad day to hang out, because her soulmate didn't buy the 'something came up' excuse and wanted to know exactly what came up.

"Some family stuff. It's really.. None of your business." Seongjae was taller and bigger than her in general, so it was an easy task for the boy to block her from bolting away from the school like Jisung had done, and his eyebrows raised at her words.

"None of my business? I'm your boyfriend." At those words Danbi almost choked on her own spit, and her head moved from side to side as she shook it, her hands moving up to push him away slightly.

"No, you got the wrong information there boy. We are soulmates. We aren't a couple." He rolled his eyes and just as he reached out to grab her wrist to forcefully drag her with him to hang out, the girl took a step back.

"Soulmates. Blah blah. We're technically a couple for life." His statement made the girl frown and as the boy took another step towards her, she used her hands to give him a slightly strong shove away from her, only making him stumble backwards a bit.

Those few seconds of him gaining his balance again was enough for her to bolt away, and she thanked god that he decided not to chase her.

He watched as her figure became smaller and smaller until she was totally out of sight, before letting a frown stretch across his face which then quickly disappeared when spotting one of his female friends.

Yeah, Danbi was nice in his eyes and all, but wow, some of their classmates were fine.

"You managed to get away, I see." The voice made Danbi laugh a bit, and she nodded at the boy, who had been sitting for maybe five minutes in front of her door, where they had planned to meet.

"You managed to do the same." Jisung let a small grin crawl onto his face as he nodded happily before standing up, greeting the girl with a small hug, something which was a bit unusual for the two.

The warm feeling which appeared inside both of them at the close contact was something unusual as well, but it was something both of them could grow to love, and the boy smiled at her goofily when they pulled away from the hug.

"Ready to go?" Danbi let her teeth graze her own lips before hesitantly nodding, causing Jisung to do the same, and he gently placed his hand on her shoulder before heading towards the removal shop he had walked past a couple of times.

It was a busy day; people were rushing through the streets, some of them even bumping into the two, but they were too focused on their own conversation to really care.

"When is the best time to tell them?" A sigh left the boy at Danbi's question, and his shoulders moved up in a shrug.

"Definitely before we get it done." At his words Danbi let her head move up and down in a nod, and no questions were further asked.

"I'm a bit scared." Even though Jisung was a bit scared as well he only shook his head, a comforting smile on his face as he looked down at the girl beside him.

"Don't be. We're going through this together." After finishing the sentence he stopped walking, and the girl moved a bit closer to the boy as her eyes scanned the shop.

Just a second before they stepped into the warm removal shop, Danbi felt a squeeze on her shoulder, and if it was possible, she turned a bit smaller when entering it, the fear getting a bit worse.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The smiling lady behind the counter eased both teens' fear a little bit, and the tiniest smile tucked at Jisung's lips as his eyes landed on the girl cuddled into his side.

"We'd like to make an appointment for a tattoo removal."

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