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Third Person:

   It was stupid really.

   Your soulmate really wasn't one of those you expected to be destined to be together with, Danbi figured that out when the jock started in her class.

   There it was, the annoying sound of the bell ringing, and the girl who earlier had been resting her head in her arms slowly moved her head up, her eyebrows moving to her forehead when she saw the guy standing beside her teacher.

   "Class, today, we're getting a new student. I'll let him introduce himself." Their middle-aged teacher took a step back, allowing the slight buff guy to step forward, and he flashed a toothy grin, only earning an eye roll from Danbi as the squeals of the other girls reached her ears.

   "Hello, my name is Seongjae, please do take care of me." Of course he had to end it with a wink, he was one of those guys, Danbi already despised him, and as this 'Seongjae guy' started telling about his hometown, Danbi decided to rest her eyes for a few moments, not really feeling even a pang of interest.

   Her disinterest had caught the attention of their teacher as he shook his head, his tongue clicking in some weird way, and Danbi lifted her head at the random noise, only to find several pair of eyes on her.


   "Lee Danbi, don't tell me you're sleeping in my lessons." Her head moved from side to side the disinterest clear in her eyes, and the jock raised his eyebrows, finding the situation a bit unusual.

   "I'm not, Mr Choi, I'm simply just not interested in this guy's hometown." That seemed to surprise the guy even more as he, with a shocked expression, crossed his arms, and even the teacher jerked his head back in surprise.

   "Oh- well- I.. I see, then before you can grow a feeling of hatred towards him, why don't I pair the two of you up for your project?" Now it was her turn to show a shocked expression, and before she could even try to deny, the jock exclaimed, maybe a bit too excited;

   "That sounds like an amazing idea, Mr Choi! I would love to get acquainted with Danbi." The 'angel-like' smile had morphed into a creepy smirk as his eyebrows moved in some weird way almost like waves, and their teacher apparently fell for his 'charming' personality as they were paired up.

   They had been assigned to do this project yesterday, and Danbi was already doing a pretty good job, so when the teacher told them to continue working, she did without hesitation.

   "So, partner. What's our topic?" A chair was pulled out in front of her, but that wasn't a reason for her to lift her head from her work, and she only replied, with the least amount of annoyance she could;


   If she lifted her head, she'd be able to get a glimpse of the boy scrunching his face together, and no matter what he said, she was determined to keep that topic.

   "That's complicated.."

   "Well, it's my topic." The word 'my' was emphasized in that sentence, she wanted to make it clear to the boy that she wasn't going to change topic, and the boy let out a weird grunting sound, finally earning the attention of Danbi as he waved his hand under her face.

   A small yelp left her as a stinging pain erupted from her wrist and quickly she let herself fold up the sleeves of her uniform shirt, the boy was doing the same.

   By now the whole class had their focus on them, all of them looking eager to find out if they really were soulmates, and the teacher stepped towards the two.

   The girl wasn't even looking at her broken heart tattoo, she was covering it with her hand, trying to cool the warm tattoo down with her cold hands, and she silently prayed that this was a misunderstanding.

   "Danbi, move your hand." Shaking her head, Danbi refused to even move her hand a millimeter, but as the teacher tried to pry the fingers apart, a small gasp left the boy sitting in front, and he suddenly had all attention on him.

   "My scalpel tattoo.. It has blood on it now!"

   Danbi felt like her world stopped, out of everything, it was a scalpel, what in the world went wrong?

   Hesitantly she moved her own hand to see that her tattoo had changed.

   Before meeting Seongjae she had thought that her soulmate's tattoo would patch the heart up, she didn't think it would break it even more.

   It looked like nothing more but a small cut, but even the smallest cut was enough to make someone bleed.

   When she finally snapped her head up to let her eyes meet her soulmate, he was already staring at her, a cocky grin on his face.

   "It's nice finally meeting you, soulmate."

   While all that was happening at Danbi's school, there was another boy, in another school, trying to almost run away and hide from his soulmate.

   Yep, that boy was Jisung.

   Or he wasn't literally running away, he just hid behind his friends each time he saw Mikyeong, and even though they found it amusing in the beginning, they were starting to get a bit worried for their friend.

   "Is she still clingy?" All of the guys knew that Mark's question was directed towards Jisung, who kept looking over his shoulder, and he quickly moved his head up and down in a nod.

   "She wants me to buy her this new bag or something." Jisung knew that Mikyeong was going to flip if she saw him, and he, for once, wanted to spend some time alone with his friends without her being glued to his side.

   The chatter of the other guys soon turned distant as Jisung let his eyes focus on the small teddy bear beside his needle tattoo, and he let his finger brush it.

   What a stupid combination now he thought about it.

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