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Danbi's POV:

   "How was it?" A smile spread across my face as I admired the boy in front of me who just had finished dancing, and I quickly gave him a thumbs up causing a grin to appear.

   It had been about an hour since we arrived at the practice room after having spent most of the day doing absolutely nothing at the dorm he shared with his friends.

   "Let's dance together!" At his sudden request I almost choked on nothing and before I could get any words out, he had grabbed my arm and lifted me to a standing position.

   "Like slow dance?" Jisung nodded before skipping towards his phone which was connected to the loudspeaker, and I couldn't help but fear stepping on his feet, or causing him to fall somehow.

   "Don't worry, I don't really know how to do it either." He reassured me with a toothless smile before taking my hand in his, the touch burning against my skin as always.

   It was nowhere near elegant but I enjoyed it nonetheless, I enjoyed hearing him hum to the music, and the closeness because he was warm.

   His soft smile made me feel all weird inside, and I tried my best to smile back but it turned into a tiny shy smile and an embarrassed glance.

   The song soon came to an end, and we both slumped to the floor, leaning against the mirror, another song now playing in the background.

   "Do you believe in true love?" My question clearly caught him off guard as he quickly sat up straight, his eyes widened a bit, though, after a few seconds of thinking about my question he nodded ever so slowly.

   Of course there were soulmates and that stuff, but since we really weren't soulmates I was curious.

   "Like, if you didn't have a soulmate, do you believe that you would find a person and spend the rest of your life with that person?" Once again he nodded slowly before his eyes moved from me to the floor.

   "I mean, yeah? You wouldn't really date a person if you didn't think you'd last, at least I wouldn't." A small blush was present on his face, and I blushed as well after realizing what he had said.

   "What about you?" I nodded.

   I thought to myself for a few seconds, though, before I could think too much about love I was pulled to my feet for the second time by the boy, a laugh escaping me.

   Then the door opened and in walked the person I really wished I never had to see again, I knew it was impossible as we were in the same class, but I could dream.

   "Hey Danbi and the boy my soulmate decided to date." Seongjae stepped into the practice room, and I inhaled deeply before taking a tiny step towards Jisung who immediately grabbed my hand again, giving it a small squeeze after taking it in his.

   "How did you know that we were here?" At my question he only stuck out his bottom lip before shrugging, moving around the dance practice room, his head bopping to the music slightly.

   "I have my sources." His fake smile that had been plastered on his face since he stepped inside finally disappeared, a frown taking over.

   "Are you stalking her?" My eyes widened at the thought, and when Seongjae didn't answer I felt as if someone had punched me in the stomach or something, it just felt horrible.

   "Well, she's my soulmat-"

   "You see, that's where you are wrong." The boy beside me, who still had his hand wrapped around mine, tilted his head to the side slightly as he spoke up, not giving Seongjae a chance to finish what he was saying, and I felt my muscles that had tensed without me knowing relax a bit thanks to Jisung.

   There was this small yet smug grin on his face as he gently turned my hand so Seongjae could get a good look at my tattoo, my stitched heart, and Seongjae squinted his eyes at the sight of it.

   "What about your tattoo?" Jisung only shrugged at his question, and my boyfriend huffed as Seongjae stepped dangerously close, causing Jisung to tug me to stand behind me.

   "You are both so-" He was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing, and a small grumble left him as he fished out his phone, answering it with a deep frown.

   Seongjae's grumbling and frowning like a little boy as well as grumpily saying hello to his mother made Jisung snicker, and he quickly hid his face in my neck, so the noise didn't reach him.

   "Yes- yes mom, I'll be right there. No, I'm not hurt, just bye." I could feel Jisung laugh against my neck once again, and I bit down on my lip to keep myself from laughing as well.

   It was just a fun sight, seeing the big and cocky Seongjae getting annoyed because his mom called him, and he gave both of us a very deathly look before taking yet another step towards us.

   If I had to be honest, he did look pretty intimidating, but Jisung could seriously look pretty damn intimidating as well.

   "We are soulmates for a reason, Danbi. It won't work out between you two." As he walked out of the room I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows, and just before he walked out the door he flipped us off.

   Jisung raised his eyebrows for a split second, and I let out a sigh of relief as the sound of the door slamming shut echoed through the room.

   "Well, that was something." Nodding I let out a small laugh before leaning my head against his shoulder, and we stood still like that until the song which had been playing in the background ended.

   "Let's just forget him and dance." With a wide smile I dragged him to the middle of the practice room to dance once again, a smile stretching out on his face as well, and he leaned his forehead against mine.

   I didn't care about Seongjae's words, I was sure that we were going to work out, and I would never love Seongjae like I loved Jisung, that I knew.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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