Chapter One

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Not done...comment if you think I should keep going or not..first book









12:31 am

Slowly trying to pry the chains open, I hear the pitter patter of his feet. Making his way to the room where he holds me captive. Its a freezing hell in here where darkness lies through every inch of the room. As the door handle starts to turn, I force myself back in the deep corner where he put me.

"Hungry yet?" he says to me flatly

"Hungry? just get me out of this shit hole" I demand

Pulling me by my collar, he immediately whipped his hand across my face as violent as ever and stormed out. Tearing up I touched my bruised face and started to bang the chain against the wall and scream

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" until I gave up and began thinking of a new plan to escape. But what really ran through my mind was the thought of me calling this deceitful person dad.

Again, I hit the chain wishing it would unlock , break, anything to give me hope of escaping. Then I hear a hard pounding on the window that was covered with wooden boards blocking the moonlight. Leaning against the wood, I hear a familiar voice. Its a weak English accent, more Australian and soft sounding. Wondering who it could be I gasp....


"Hey" he whispers trying to keep quite so my dad won't hear

Through a break inbetween the boards he shoots to me a bobby pin that I unravel and use to escape from the chains.

"Any luck?" Calum questions me

"I got it" I reply back happily

Throwing the chain in the dark corner I bereaved, I tip toe to the door connecting to the hollow hallway. Sneaking down the stairs, I peer around the corner to see my dad watching tv. What a heartless man, with pale skin and gray dead like eyes. No wonder mom left him. He's stone cold, something I hope I'll never be.

As I make my way to the front door, I see through the glass Calum..

I love Calum, he's my best friend. Ever since kindergarten, he has stuck to my side no matter what. As kids, he was the guy that every girl loved, he's still that. Even at school every girl throws themselves at him but, he never seems to want them. I was never one of those girls, I'll never be. Though I can't blow off the fact that Calum is very attractive.

The way his hair is pushed up to the side makes him look like a rock star and the piercing below his bottom lip signals some bad boy in him. Everyone seemed to see those features but I always looked at his eyes, they were light brown almost caramel color in the sunlight and it made me melt inside looking at them as we would walk to classes together and i would look him in the eyes.

Finally making it outside to Calum as quiet as possible, we share a warm and long hug and I didn't notice till he whispered in my ear "Shhhh. Your safe with me now." that I was balling in his shoulder. His comforting words stopped me from crying and led me to follow him away from the house that i will no longer call home.

Its Not Over || Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now