Chapter 14

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Calum's POV.

"I shouldn't have let her go." I punched the wall, so aggravated with myself. Watching Carter walk away with that asshole made me die a little inside. He could do anything to her, maybe even kill her right now.

"It's ok man. He wasn't going to stop." Ashton tried comforting me, it didn't work.

"I could've just fought him and took her with me, she would've been safe."

"Calum, it was for the better. We will find a way to get her back safe."

Going back to class would do no good for me, so I decided to go home. Hopping into my car, I visioned Carter jumping in the front side beside me giving me her stop looking at me face. It was cute.

Knowing that Frank and Luke could do anything to her, makes me want to run them over with my truck of I had a chance. I can't bare to think about this anymore, not when I can do something about it.

Carter's POV

"Frank! I got her." He threw me onto the couch harshly while standing infront of me so I didn't have the chance to run

"Awe my little Carter." Frank pinches me cheeks making me jerk my head about from his hands as far as possible.

"Don't be like that with me now Carter."

"What the hell do you guys fuckin want with me? You trapped me many times without an explanation, I better get a damn good one."

"Ooooh, feisty much?" Luke joins the taunting with Frank.

"I hate you both!" I yell at them in frustration.

Luke grabs my chin to make me look him straight in the eye "I told you to take me back, you should've done so"

"I don't love, you ruined that for me." I spit in his face

"Baby I want us to be ok again, I want you back."

"You can't have me back."

"YES I CAN!" He takes the vase from the living room table and smashes it against the wall with anger.

"No you can't." I whisper and look down

"Carter I gave you everything! I gave you a damn life. I was your life! I was your fucking safe haven!"

"You weren't shit to me! You fucked another girl in OUR bed And expect me to take you back! You were a waste of my damn life! That's what you were!"

He stalked over to me and reached for my neck chocking me so I could barely breath. "How dare you say that?" He whispers.

"Let her go." Frank demands and Luke listens like a puppy keeping his hungry eyes on mine that wants him dead.

"Im not giving this up, I need her to love me again." He tells Frank

"Why are you so got damn obsessive!" I barge in their convo

"Because I love you! And I know you love me back!"

"Think again." I roll my eyes and sink myself into the couch.

"Your a bitch Carter!"

"Welcome to the real world." I dismiss him and look into space boringly.

Luke's POV.

Carter is the bitchest person ever but that's what I loved about her. She was tough and hard to get and that's what I needed, what I wanted. I know I sound obsessive but I love her.

Bethany was just a test. I wanted to know how different it felt with another girl and Fuck... Bethany felt amazing. It just wasn't the same feeling Carter gave me. It was passionate and loving something Bethany's riding didn't give me.

I'm a fuck up for even doing it in our bed, I should've just took Bethany back to her place and done it there but I just needed it then and there while she was offering.

Walking back into the living room, Carter denies to notice my presence.

"I love you." Is all I say without getting any retort back.


I should've just shut up. Why can't she just love me back, I can offer her so much.

"Is he because you love Calum?"

"I don't love." She simply answered with no emotion.

I know something is up with her and Calum, and if I had to kill him to get her to love me then so be it. He is being a cock blocker when he's suppose to be my best friend and just help me get back together with her.

"What are you going to do?" I walked back to the kitchen watching Frank drink beer after beer and tossing them onto the floor adding to the collection already created.

"I just torture for fun. I could kill her. There's a gun in that thing over there." He points to a drawer by the kitchen.

I opened it cautiously and saw a beautiful silver gun. Shiny and ready to kill anyone that needs to be.

"I don't want to kill her yet." I closed the drawer and sat across from Frank.

"Then what?" He threw a beer bottle ok the floor hard enough to hear it's crack and popped open the next bottle.

"Maybe just torture her. Keep her locked up in this house, I'm going out." I got up from the table making me way to the door.

"Get me more beers!" He yells before I exit the filthy house.

I don't know where I'm going but I know that I'm ready to confront Calum and give him revenge for brainwashing my girl.

She's mine and he better not ever fucking forget that. She's always been mine, since 8th grade.

Parking the car, I stepped out and climbed up the staircase and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Son of a bitch!" I grabbed him and punched him in the face knocking him down and closing the door behind me.

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