Chapter 10

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"He's not going to hurt you." Calum took my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

"What if he tries to trap me until I take him back?"

"He won't. I'll protect you." He pulls me in and kisses the top of my head before cleaning the mess that was created.

I walked into the bathroom starting the shower and waiting until it got warm. As I hopped in, all the worries that ran through my head were washed down the drain.

Shampooing my hair I heard Calum's voice calling my name.

"Carter?" The bathroom door creaked open.

"How did you get in here? It was locked."

"It's my bathroom." He chuckled showing me a key.

"Your so weird." I continued to shampoo my hair, dismissing Calum.


Waiting for Calum to get out of the shower, I sat patiently in the living room watching Shrek. It's my favorite movie.

"Mmmm shrek. Not surprised." Calum walked into the kitchen popping popcorn I suppose.

"Popcorn?!?" I scream to him.

"You know me well!" He yelled back finally coming in with a fresh bowl of popcorn.

"Mmmmm" I took in the buttery scent and starting to attack almost all the popcorn

"Hungry much?" He teased me

"I jwust wuv popcurn." I mumbled with a mouth full of it.

"I can tell." He burst into laughter before snuggling up to me and turning all his attention to shrek.

Luke's POV

"And why are you hear again?" He slumps into the couch rolling his eyes at me while gulping down his beer.

"Because Carter won't take me back and I know you can help me make her pay."

"Why do you any Carter anyway? She's my daughter and doesn't like you obviously." He chucks the beer on the ground before throwing his arms back behind his head.

"Dammit Frank! Just help me! I know she loves me! She will come back to me!" I walk infront of him blocking his view of the tv.

"Fine. What's the plan?"

"We someone get her locked back in this house or something and punish her for leaving you multiple times and not taking me back."

A smirk played on his lips as he thought about punishing Carter.

"Deal. But first, you will have to get her alone and catch her."

"I have the perfect plan." We both share smirks at the thought of giving Carter revenge.

Carter's POV.

I slighting push sleeping Calum off of me to answer whoever was at the door.

He's so cute sleeping. He looks peaceful and happy while his nose is scrunched a little like a bunny.

"Yes?" I open the door slightly to see Luke with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry for messing up the place. I want to come back home." He pushes past me and enters the kitchen.

I close the door and fast walk over to Calum tapping him to wake up.

"Yeah?" His raspy voice answers finally

"Luke is in the kitchen. He's back." I whisper yell to him. He's now awake.

"When did he get here?" He whispers back

"A few seconds ago." I whisper back and here footsteps coming towards us.

"No need to whisper." A sheeky smile appears on his face while he bits into an apple, one hand in his pocket.

"What are you doing back here." Calum stands up facing him while pushing me behind him.

"Oooo. Big boy now? Is Calum your little boy toy now?" He spits at me in hatred.

"Go fuck yourself." I spit back.

"Well, I'm here because I live here." He turns on his heel walking towards his bedroom.

Sounds of thumping and glass comes from his room, making me jump at times and fear the sight of him walking back in the living room with broken glass.

"What are we going to do? I don't want to live with him here!" I turn to Calum.

"It's ok. I'll be right beside you so he can't try anything." He kisses my hair before leading me to our bedroom.

Cuddling tightly under the covers he started singing little verses of lyrics from songs to me so I could forget about Luke and sleep peacefully.

"She lies awake, tryna find the words to say, I wish I was, i wish I was Beside You."

He sung softly into my ear. They were my favorite lyrics out of all songs ever written. And he knew it. Out of all things, I didn't expect myself to feel something so different besides friends with Calum. I liked him a lot but I didn't love him.

Love wasn't a feeling for me no longer. Luke ruined it for me and now I think it's a joke. Some people think they are in love but truthfully, love isn't real.

Its Not Over || Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now