Chapter 16

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While moping for a little bit as he watches her walk away, Judar groans and slams his fist on the pillar. "I swear this woman, when did she become such a pain in the ass?"

He jumps down as well and flew after her. From his point of view, she looked like she was staggering from afar. Her legs were wobbling and her shoulders were trembling. Then, he heard a hiccup. He was even more shocked as she falls on her knees and began to sob silently.

He ran to her out of impulsiveness. "Woman, are you alright?!", he shouted and then gets his mouth covered by her hand.

"I'm  tired.", she sobbed. "I'm so tired.", she looks up to him and water droplets fell on her face. It started raining.

"I know.", said Judar with a husked, gentle voice. He scoops her in his arms and stands up. "Just... Let it all out.", he whispered and began walking with her in his arms, on their way back to the ship.


Hakuryuu looks up to the sky, extending his hand out, feeling the drops of water on his hand. Behind him was Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana sitting on the ground, chatting.

"Aladdin, did you know what happened with her? You looked really exhausted when you gave her your magoi.", said Hakuryuu.

"When Gyokuen was trying to make her fall into depravity, Andras-san lost control. Maybe it's because of the attack during our journey here when Astarah-san was injured.", said Aladdin and sighs. "I sometimes wonder what's going inside that mind of hers. She doesn't ask for help from us nor tell us her likes and dislikes. Her worries and problems. It's like we're not even her friends.", the blue-haired magi frowned and slumps his shoulders.

Morgiana walks over to Aladdin and pats him in the back. "Later, we'll apologize to her. But not right now.", she said.

What Morgiana said caught Hakuryuu's attention. "What do you mean not now Morgiana-dono? Is something wrong? I was actually planning on seeing her right now."

"I have a feeling right now, she's with Judar. We can't interrupt them.", said Morgiana with a stern tone. Scaring the guy a little bit.

Alibaba grins and walks over to his friends as well. "I bet Judar's getting a smacking from her.", he pauses. "Damn man, she looks so scary when she slapped him earlier. Even I almost shit my pants from it."

"You're always like that.", Aladdin added.

A nerve popped from the blonde's temple and was gonna give Aladdin a piece of his mind but the fanalis was holding him back. Hakuryuu giggles at the situation then looks up into the sky again, smiling.

Take your time Judar.

[At the ship]

Judar gently kicks the door open, walks into Astarah's room and closes it with another kick. The two of them were dripping wet from the rain. He lays her on the bed and turns around to grab something to dry them but Astarah grabs his hand.

"What? Both of us are gonna get hella sick. I'm not gonna disappear. Just over there.", he points at a trunk from across the room.

Astarah casts her eyes down. "Tell me everything."

The magi tilts his head and furrows his brows, baffled. "That can wait. Drying ourselves comes first.", he retorts and was about to walk away to the trunk but she was holding onto him . Tight. He sighs and then groans. "Alright alright.", he takes out his wand and waves it. 

Blankets came out of the trunk and was making its way to Judar. He grabs it and puts one on his head and one on her head, wiping her hair for her.

Silence but only the blankets rustling. 

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