Chapter 6

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All of them were on the ground, covering their ears in pain. Kouen was quickly to act tho. He aims his sword at Astarah and it began blazing in flames. He winces in pain and his sword bursts in flames, forming a long trail of flames rushing towards Astarah and hits her. The sonata shockwaves stopped as the female Djinn user falls from sky.

Judar glances at Kouen, angry. "Why the hell did you do that?!", he shouted, out of character, and rushed into the air, flying his way to Astarah. "Astarah!", he cried. "Damn it woman! Why do I have to help you every time! Astarah!".

Kouen, Hakuryuu and the others were shocked. The way that Judar snapped just now, made it somewhat unbelievable. 

As Astarah falls, almost hitting the water, Judar catches her little form and crashes onto the seashore. He cups her head to his chest, preventing her little head from getting hurt and as soon as they stopped, he checks her face.

"Woman, are you alright?", Judar's eyebrows creased as he taps her cheeks lightly. 

Astarah groaned softly and flutters her lashes, waking up. "What the...", her eyes widened as she sees Judar's face so close to hers. "Get your face out of my face man!", she plants her little palm onto Judar's face and shoves him away.

"What the heck! I was trying to help you woman!", Judar pops a nerve on his temple and yells back at her. 

"Hmph!", Astarah turns her head to the side, slapping Judar's cheeks with her long pigtails. "So what! Don't get your face close to mine next time!", her hair started to move on it's own and kept slapping Judar. 

Judar and puts his hands on her cheek, pushing it away while grinding his teeth. "Stop it already! Get out of your Djinn equip!", he takes the chance to grab both her cheeks and stretch them.

"Stop it! That hurts!"

While the two bickered, the Kou siblings made their way to the shore, landing their boat. Followed by Aladdin, Morgiana and Alibaba who lands on his feet, going back to his normal form. They ran to the two idiots arguing and restrained them. Alibaba and Aladdin yanking Judar away from Astarah and Morgiana grabbing the other by the shoulders.

Looking somewhat weirded out, Kouen steps in silently and Hakuryuu waves at his friends. 

"Alibaba! Aladdin! Morgiana! Long time no see!", Hakuryuu greeted with a smile. 

The trio turned to Hakuryuu and smiles back at him. "Hakuryuu!", they said in unison.

"Alright! I'm done! Let me go guys!", Astarah shoves all of them away as she spreads her arms wide and stands up. "Hm... Astaroth's flames really did hurt.", she said in sync with Asmodeus' voice. 

Kouen's eyes twitch and approaches Astarah, grabs her by the collar and lifts her off the ground. He stares at her closely and raises a brow. "You... Know Astaroth's power? You know who he is?"

Astarah paddles her feet and shakes her head rapidly. "Can you not treat me like some midget like Aladdin? Sitri, unequip.", her body glowed, slowly shifting from the body of a child she had to her normal mature one. She was dropped on the floor, landing on her feet. Her eyes darted to the prince and then to the ground. 

"How rude Miss Astarah.", Aladdin sweat-dropped.

A sigh escapes the woman and flicks her hair to the side. "So, visitors. What's this about black magi?"

"Nothing really. And they're the princes and princesses of Kou.", Judar retorts as he floats back into the air.

"I know who they are. Red hair, Djinn metal vessel. Besides the Fanalis, only the Kou siblings have em'. But I am not entirely sure. I haven't collected all of the world's knowledge yet.", Astarah giggles and looks up. "Maybe that's the cue to go hit the library then!", she turns around to leave but she gets yanked again.

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