Chapter 23

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"Who are you people?!", Gyokuen shouted with her eyes twitching. She was not expecting this kind of back up.

"Friends!", the dark gray-haired man said cheerfully and smiles while shooting lightning orbs at Gyokuen. "Do you still remember me Arba? It's me! Furcas!"

Gyokuen gets hit by one of the orbs, making her drop Judar. "Furcas? You held one of the Divine staves!"

"All of us did Arba. Till you decided to overthrow our king!", said the female one and plucks on one of her Etoile's strings gently so that it doesn't break. The instrument made a monotone melody and suddenly changes into a higher pitch, making the black Djinns explode one by one. "You damn bitch. I'm the prettiest one! Solomon may have called you attractive but I'm a hundred times more sexier than you!"

"Sitri... That's what you're worried about?", the dark-haired one sighed and flicks his blades forward, summoning a ring of flames around Gyokuen. "Arba... Today, everything ends."

The last one raises his icy scythe into the air. "Easifat Thaljia.", a magic circle appeared from the sky and it began to rain ice shards.

Aladdin smiles with relief. "Astarah's Djinns! But, how?"

"We weren't her Djinns from the start. We were simply her guardians. Her real Djinn is Andras. They will- ah never mind. Enough talking, we have to get rid of her fast. And that thing.", Furcas points to the sky.

There was that same giant vortex that summoned the black god. Illah. It wasn't really out yet but slowly, it was coming.

"You... So you were those people who escaped that time. I never knew you'd be one of them... Halphas.", Gyokuen glares at the silver deity.

Halphas yawns again and scratches his head. "You... should have seen... It coming... You damn whore of Illah."

Asmodeus, Sitri, Furcas and the other's eyes went popping out as they hear the polite and quiet Halphas who is always tired, say a single swear or bad word.

"I think I'll be satisfied when we go back. I finally get to hear Halphas be mean.", Furcas laughs.

"Hah! Oh really? Halphas, all of you, once father comes to this world, all of you will be doomed! Wanna bet?", Gyokuen's sclera turned black as she raises the staff that she stole from Sheba a millennium ago to the air. "GET RID OF THEM ALL!", she maniacly laughs.

The black Djinns trembled and suddenly became more powerful. Sinbad was surrounded by many and was having trouble to get rid of them because they were too fast.

Kouha was caught and his arm began to burn off as the Djinn scratches it. He falls down from the sky, landing on the beach.

"Kouha!", Kougyoku screams for her brother and rushes to his aid but she too was caught by the waist and had the same effect as Kouha. Leading to her crashing on the beach as well. "Ah!"

Koumei sees his brother and sister in pain and fury filled him. "Damn you wench...", he growled and draws a glyph in the air. A giant magic circle appeared above a group of black Djinns and a giant rock fell upon them. "Brother Kouen!"

Kouen in Astaroth's form lands on the beach and runs to his siblings. First, Kouha. "Kouha, hang on.", he summons Phenex's sword and begins to heal him. He only healed him half way before running to Kougyoku who could barely move.

"Brother Kouen.", Kougyoku winces in pain and panted.

The older sibling points his sword at her and slowly healed her. He was running out of magoi after fighting for so long.

Sitri sees the damage of the ones fighting and calls for Halphas. "Halphas! We got her. Help the others."

Halphas nods and flew his way above the beach. "Bless.", he swings his scythe down and it began to rain glittering sparkles. Slowly, the injured were healed. The metal vessel users' magoi was restored. Not fully, but enough.

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