Chapter 26

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[Four Years Later]

Little did change over the past couple of years. Reim has been more joyous as ever but there was something missing in it. Also, Sindria again, tried to join forces with Reim. But nope, still a big no from Titus. Kou on the other hand, had been more colorful from before.

[At Kou]

"Aladdin? Aladdin!", Kougyoku calls for the magi who was nowhere to be found. "Hmp, he's a guest here and he's not coming to greet me?! How outrageous. ", she runs into the hall and stops. "This boy... Ah! He might be with Judar-chan!", she turns to a corner, leading to Judar's room and rushes to for the door. "Aladdin? Judar? Are you in there?"

No answer. She turns the knob and pushes the door gently, peaking inside the room. No one was there either. Nor in the halls.

"Where is everybody?!"

After looking for at least one person that she knew in the kingdom, none was to be found except for soldiers and servants. When she made her way to the main hall, everyone was there. Her brothers, her sister, Aladdin and Judar were there, standing in silence.

Aladdin, looks back to see Kougyoku. He tilts his head and waves at her. "Oh, Kougyoku, you're finally here."

The princess walked towards him and looks up to him, frowning and annoyed. "I still can't accept the fact that you grew."

Their height differences were a lot different now. She puts her hand on top of her head and makes a line between her and Aladdin, measuring their height.

"You can't blame me now can you?", Aladdin chuckles and ruffles her hair. 

"Stop ruining my hair will you!", she slaps Aladdin's hands away. She turns to her brother, Kouen who was sitting on the throne. "Brother, what is going on?"

Hakuei clears her throat and began to speak. "Well uhm... You see... The council asked his highness to get a wife since he's already at his thirties."

"WHAT?!", Kougyoku runs up to her brother. "Brother Kouen! Don't tell me you're still not planning on marrying?! How long are you gonna keep stalling!"

"Till someone like Astarah arrives...", he mumbled to himself then steals a glance from Judar, who was leaning against a pillar, looking down with his arms crossed. "I don't know Kougyoku. It never really made me interested on doing so. Even if I did marry, it should be someone whom I trust or acknowledge at least."

Everyone in the room sighed. What a stressful day it is.

"Speaking of, why are you here Aladdin? You visited all so sudden. Did something happen?", the princess looks back at Aladdin.

Before Aladdin could speak, he perks up as he is approached by a rukh butterfly. "It's from Titus.", he touches the rukh and listens to its message.

Each one of them, except Judar who was still spacing out, suddenly felt uncomfortable. Not cuz of Titus' rukh, but something else... The feeling of the unknown.

"What did you say?", Aladdin's eyes widened.

[At Reim]

Titus was in his garden, talking to Aladdin through their rukh and clairvoyance magic. "Yes. All of a sudden, I felt very strange. I don't know what it is but it's making me anxious. Tell me not, it's not just me right?", said Titus while he watches over Marga playing. "Marga, be careful!"

Aladdin hums and then gave Titus his answer. "I will try my best to figure out what it is. And same to you Titus. I'm at Kou right now so if something happens, please let me know so I can head over there right away."

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