Chapter 21

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A loud shriek in the residence disturbed everyone. Titus, who was having his tea with Muu and Sinbad and his generals suddenly dropped their cups. They all gathered in the main hall with a screaming Alibaba rolling on the ground in panic.

Morgiana and Aladdin tried to stop him from being stupid but couldn't.

"Alibaba, what in the world happened?", Sinbad runs to him, holding his shoulders with worry. 

Titus joins in as well and prepares his Fanalis Cors. "What has happened? An enemy? Intruder? Who dares to attack Reim and harm my people!", his hair flew in the air in fury.

The others sweat-dropped because of the people overreacting way too much. All of them assembled in the hall, circling around Alibaba. They tapped their foot on the ground, waiting for an answer from him. After all, their tea time and other things were disturbed by him.

"Astarah.", Alibaba whimpered.

They all leaned closer. "What? What? What about her?"

The blonde stands up. "See it for yourself!", he runs upstairs, leading them the way. "Astarah! Astarah! Astarah!", his voice echoed in the halls. When they finally arrived, Alibaba pounds his fist on Astarah's door. "Astarah!"

"Open it already. No need to be so fucking loud.", said Astarah behind the door.

Scared, he does so. As he slowly opens the door, bright light shined on their faces. And when the light faded, they see Astarah on the ground, doing push-ups. Sweat dripped down all over her body as she puts one hand behind her back.  Their jaws dropped to the ground.

Astarah notices their reactions and looks at them with an indifferent expression. "What? You guys thought that I would stay in here crying for a whole month?"

This... This is what Alibaba was crying about? 

Yes. It has been a month since then. The day that she heard that, she changed and never saw his face ever again. All that happened was she was in her room the whole time, refusing to eat so nobody really tried to approach her anymore except for giving her food. Judar returned to Kou with Hakuryuu. Sinbad and his generals went back before then came back again to keep in check with Astarah. They were all worried. Especially Sharrkan and of course, our king Sinbad.

Muu enters the room. "Astarah, are you sure you're alright?", he asks and notices her Fanalis Corps attire laying on her bed.

"Yeah. Oh, and Muu—", she pauses and stands up, making her way to the living room of her room to grab something. She walks back in, carrying documents. "I stole these from your desk earlier and finished them for you. All of them are organized as well according to the dates they were made. Also, the trading one from a tribe, forgot the name, said that their goods will be a day or two late but is on the way."

Blah blah blah, their hearing began to fade as they watch Astarah putting more and more files on Muu's arms. Even Muu was surprised. 

"And lastly, the treaty of alliance from Sindria is signed.", she turns her eyes to Sinbad. "N-O.", she spelled it out and smirks. "Try again next time king. This kingdom's fine. When you do it again, make sure I'm not here."

Sinbad chuckles. "Alright alright. You win this time dear Astarah.", he crosses his arms and holds his chin, grinning from ear to ear. "You know, you would make a fine secretary for Sindria. Possibly, maybe, a queen as well?"

The generals looked at each other, then nodded. They agreed with their king. Well, most of them did agree on the last part besides Astarah.

She shakes her head and walks pass through them. "Nah, I'm good. That's too much work.", she slightly hits Sinbad on the arm. "By the way Muu, I'm going to do a couple of rounds around the kingdom and report back in when I get back so write that down. All these jobs that I did should lower the amount of my debt right?"

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