Chapter I

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Lilith Matthews and a bunch of other doctors were in the church tower protected by the security guards that previously worked at Arkham

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Lilith Matthews and a bunch of other doctors were in the church tower protected by the security guards that previously worked at Arkham.

Aaron Cash was one of them.

Outside of Arkham City was a turf war between Two-Face, The Penguin and The Joker. So as of now Lilith had a slight problem with her plan, she was trapped in a church with these people.

Apparently Two-Face had captured Catwoman and was about to execute her. Everyone was doing their work in the church.

The guards did their guarding. The doctors did their fix ups on the inmates and Lilith stood in her spot where she had her bag all set up on a table and was going through it slowly pulling out the hidden contents.

She was interrupted from attaching her toxin gas dispersal device into her costume hidden under the jumpsuit, when a huge bang and gun shots were echoing off the walls. Lilith quickly sipped up the bag and put in on her shoulders.

This was her chance to escape the church.

She had stepped out into the open to find that the doctors and security guards have been taken hostage by a group of Joker's thugs led by Harley Quinn.

"Harley." Lilith called out.

The blonde had turned her head to see the doctor, the thugs immediately grabbed Lilith so she couldn't escape.

"Oh looky here, if it isn't my good old friend Doctor Matthews." Harley squealed as she struts closer. "Let her go boys, she's a good one."

The thugs looked confused, but slowly released her.

"Harley," Lilith whispered. "I need you to get me out of here. Pretend to take me to Joker to fix him up."

Harley had a shocked look on her face at Lilith's words. "Yeah, I know about the Joker falling ill due to TITAN." Lilith confirmed.

"Why should I help you break free?" Harley matched Lilith's whispering.

"Because I'm not stopping you from doing whatever you want with the rest of these guys. Kill them. Torture them. Do whoever you want just get me a ticket out of here." Lilith finalized.

Harley thought about it for a moment before smiling at her. "Of course, doll."

She then called for one of her thugs. "Yo, Bozo and Pudgy! Get over here and grab that doctor there."

The two had grabbed Doctor Stacy Baker and dragged her to Harley. "I want you to escort these two out and bring this bitch to Mista J first. Got it?!" She yelled referring to Baker.

Bozo nodded, "What about the other one?" He questioned nodding at Lilith.

"She's yours to deal with." Harley said giving her to Pudgy, before winking at Lilith who only grinned as she was dragged off.

Aaron Cash shouted as the two doctors were soon gone.

Bozo soon brought Baker to Joker and Pudgy was left with Lilith.

Pudgy laughed as the doctor screamed as she was dragged by Bozo, "Alright bitch, you're all mine now. Get ready to scream and cry."

Pudgy went to turn around but was soon met with gas in his face as he coughed it in. "What the fuck is that?"

The effects soon kicked in as Pudgy was now on the floor screaming in terror. It was more stronger than the toxin Lilith had experienced back at the Asylum.

Lilith stripped off her jumpsuit revealing her costume before pulling her gas mask on and hood over her head.

Panik has awakened.

"What's the matter Pudgy, scared?"

Pudgy continued to scream and cry like a whiney baby. Panik had grabbed his knife out of his pocket and twirled it around for a bit.

"Don't Panic, this will only hurt a lot!"

She had driven the blade into his chest and twisted the blade as he slowly died in front of her. With a grin on her masked mouth she let go of the knifes hilt and let the thug fall limp.

"Now time to find a lair."

With that Lilith walked off and headed towards the Amusement Mile.

Lilith surprisingly had no run-ins with any thugs so she made it the Amusement Mile with ease. She was soon met with the old GCPD building, Casino, Krank Co. Toys and the Olympus Nightclub.

The Nightclub was right in front of her so out of laziness she chosen that as her base.

'Nightclub it is then,' Panik said from inside her head. 'You didn't offer better options.' Lilith shot back.

She had managed to break into the old building and looked around at the old club.

Lilith soon unpacked all her assorted toxins and had now donned her syringes on her wrists. She then pulled out a gps device and turned it on to see the location for the Riddler, who was also in Arkham City.

'So Nigma is first on our list?' Panik questioned.

Lilith rolled her eyes before refilling her toxin gas. 'Yes. Jonathan and Edward were close friends along with Jervis, but since Jervis is a pain in the ass to deal with. I'd rather suffer with Riddler and his massive ego.'

With that she headed back out, and followed the gps to Riddler's lair. Along the way, testing out her assorted toxins on the thugs she had problems with.

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