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"Never thought I'd ever be back in this place again

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"Never thought I'd ever be back in this place again." Lilith commented as her and the Arkham Knight hung back as Jonathan had began to introduce the plan to the rest of the alliance. Their secret meeting took place in the Arkham Mansion back on Arkham Island.

Arkham Knight scoffed, "I hate this place." He mumbled before observing the conversation of the rouges gallery, who were all given an equal chance to kill Batman and fulfill each of their personal goals.

Two-Face, The Penguin, The Riddler, Harley Quinn, Firefly and even Poison Ivy.

Harley could get revenge for the death of the Joker, Two-Face could make his fortune and retire, Penguin could make huge profits by supplying every criminal with weapons, Riddler could finally defeat the his intellectually inclined foe. Firefly was promised to burn down as much of the city as he wanted.

Poison Ivy had no interest which had upset the Scarecrow as he then gave the order to the Arkham Knight's militia to take Pamela away. Lilith eyes quickly showed sadness for she was a friend back in Arkham City, but quickly dismissed the feelings and went back to focusing the task at hand.

"Who's the lady friend, Crane? Never remembered her back in this shit hole." Two-Face questioned as he stared at Lilith.

"That's cause I never was one of you until recently dumbass."

Lilith had walked up to Jonathan before pulling her hood and mask down, revealing her face. The face of Doctor Lilith Matthews stared at the villains. Some surprised, others not so.

"Gee another doc turned mad. You should really form a club with Harley and Jonny here." Penguin scoffed.

"Good to see you again, Lilith." Edward spoke.

"Like wise, Edward." She smiled back before it was wiped off her face as she got serious again.

"Come Halloween night, my friends. The Batman's head and this city will be in our grasps."

"Yay! Yay! Yay! Finally revenge for my precious puddin'!" Harley cheered out.

Lilith had quickly rolled her eyes as the villains soon joined as their plan to take out Batman began.


Jonathan had set up his camera for all of Gotham as Lilith finished giving orders to a henchmen to unleash some toxin at Pauli's Diner, once the toxin was in position, Lilith gave the order to detonate it. The diner had soon become clouded in the smoke of Scarecrow's toxin. All the costumers and workers affected by it, they soon all started panicking in fear and before you know it they soon attacked each other, killing themselves.

"It is time, my mistress..." Jonathan's voice spoke as Lilith grinned evilly before pressing the live button. His face appearing all across Gotham.

"This demonstration used just five ounces of my latest toxin. Tomorrow this will seem like child's play."

"Gotham this is your only warning..."


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