Chapter VII

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Batman had little time left

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Batman had little time left. With Joker infecting him with his blood, he had to get Ra's Al Ghul's blood to Mr. Freeze to work on the cure quickly. He quickly got out from underground through the subway. Leading him back to Penguin's territory, The Bowery.

"Citizens of Arkham. As I speak, there is a new inmate in my facility." Hugo Strange's voice blared out to the public. "The more nostalgic among you will recognize him as Quincy Sharp. Mayor of Gotham and failed Warden of Old Arkham Asylum. Please provide him with the welcome he deserves."

As Batman was grappling across the city as he tried to get to the old G.C.P.D building.

"That doesn't sound good, does it?" Oracle's voice was heard through Batman's com link.

"No it doesn't." Batman answered.

"I don't get it," Oracle starts. "Why would Strange arrange for the Mayor to be sent there? Scrub that. How the hell did Strange even managed to have the Mayor arrested?" She questions.

"I don't know Barbara. But I am going to find out." Batman said as he glided over to the entrance of Arkham City where Sharp is most likely at.

Landing on top a building rooftop near the entrance, Batman observed to see that a group of Two-Face's thugs were harassing Sharp. Throwing a smoke pellet at them, the Dark Knight jumped down and started to take them out.


After finding out that Strange is working with someone from Sharp, Oracle strongly demanded for Batman to getting that cure is number one priority.

But during the fight he had with Freeze, Harley Quinn had snuck by and swiped the cure from under their noses. Now it was time to head back into the Steel Mill, and confront Joker and taken back the cure before it's too late.

Batman had already exited the old precinct and went to head over to the Industrial District. When he heard a very interesting conversation between inmates.

"She's crazy man. Fuck, more mental than Crane."

"Yeah, you know who did this?"

"No, just some bitch dressed up like Scarecrow. Even had his scary fear toxin with her too."

The two inmates spoke as they observed three of their friends as they were huddled up in pure terror, still suffering from the effects of the toxin.

Batman narrowed his eyes and went down there to interrogate.

Beating up the first on he quickly grabbed the other by the neck and demanded answers.

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