Chapter VIII

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"Selina Kyle, been looking everywhere for you

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"Selina Kyle, been looking everywhere for you."

"Well here I am darling, now who might you be? Although seeing your little outfit screams one name, Scarecrow. What are you his sidekick?"

"I'm his Mistress of Fear, the name is Panik, but you can call me Lilith. You're my ticket out of hell."

"Well give me a reason why I should help you escape Arkham City?" Catwoman asked the doctor, who had put her mask back on, but left the hood alone.

"Well I could threaten you, but there's no need for that." Lilith said as she walked closer to the manhole, observing it. "I'm pretty sure these aren't the only TYGER guards Hugo Strange has to protect his vault."

"Yes I believe you are right." Catwoman agreed. No doubt Strange had more guards right outside the vault protecting the loot and only free escape out of the city prison.

"I can help you, together we can take out those pathetic guards and that way we both get what we want seems simple enough." Lilith proposed.

Selina Kyle thought before accepting her proposal. "Alright, well no time to keep a girl waiting." She then opened the manhole. "Time to steal."

The two then jumped in the manhole, closing it.

"There are Ivy's vines, and there's the storage facility. Nice work, Red. Time to get in there." Said Catwoman as the two females passed by the obvious large plant growing in the sewer.

Traveling through the collapsed corridor we went through the door that led to Strange's Vault. Upon entering the security room, there were monsters of the cameras set up by the vault. Bunch of guards are seen on patrol.

"Okay, there's the vault. Looks like it's a standard three card security protocol." Catwoman said typing on the computer, "Really, you'd think these people would have learned by now."

"Hopefully the keys are down there in their pockets. You will need to be quick and out of sight. If they catch you this failsafes will trigger and your vault will be locked down permanently, along with my way of escaping this shit hole." Lilith spoke to the thief as turned back to look at the screen.

Lilith then remembered something, "Oh and also, take this," she dug in her coat and pulled out three mini sphere-like devices and gave them to Catwoman. "Spread these out. That way once we get the key cards they won't stand a chance stopping us. What? Did you really think that they would just let us pass after you snatched the keys? Go on. I will be here waiting for your signal."

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