Chapter IX

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Lilith had managed to get to her apartment safely, without drawing attention

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Lilith had managed to get to her apartment safely, without drawing attention. Hurrying inside she locked the doors and windows. Quickly she had gotten rid of all traces of her ever being in this apartment as well as cleaned out the lab to make it look like it was never there. No doubt now that Batman probably knows of her existence. She will not be caught.

With finishing her task, she restocked on toxin and went to grab Selina's briefcases from the table and leave to head out to Chinatown before noticing the front door was open.

Someone is in here. She noticed light footsteps behind her and went to gas the intruder to notice he was unaffected for he was wearing this cybernetic mask and a get-up that would make Batman jealous. The strange man quickly grabbed her arm.

"I've been expecting you, Doctor Matthews." His voice sounded robotic.

Lilith's eyes narrowed, "Who are you?"

"I'm an ally of your dear Scarecrow, he's waiting for your arrival. I was sent to escort you to him."

"Figured as much as I've never seen you around. What is your name?" Lilith questioned as he let go of her arm and she went to pick up the briefcases before following the man out the door and into an armored car.

"You may call me, the Arkham Knight."


"You know in Hebrew, the name Lilith means, "night monster." The Arkham Knight spoke.

"Yeah," Lilith scoffed. "What's your point?"

"My point, is that you're clearly living up to your namesake. The once loving, good Doctor Lilith Matthews becomes this dark being that terrorizes people with fear toxin."

Lilith chose to not say anything and continued to make their way to their destination.

The two had quickly made it to the safe house in Chinatown and went in through the roof, much to Lilith's dismay as he had grabbed on to her in the process.

Once entering the room through the skylight, Lilith noticed a hooded figure in the shadows, standing by a work bench filled with chemicals and a computer screen. Lilith's breathing halted as he turned around, noticed of her presence.

"Jonathan?" Lilith questioned.

Jonathan had stepped out the shadows, Lilith seeming all the damage Croc had caused him back at the Asylum. Lilith scanned over his body, his leg in a brace before looking up at his face and saw his fogged eye and parts of his mask stitched into his face. He looked completely different.

Her eyes softened imagining all the pain he endured alone, before narrowing in anger at who was fault for this mans pain. Batman. His revenge is long overdue and it will be brought.

"Hello again, my dear." Jonathan's voice had gotten deeper and scratchy, more effects from Croc's wrath.

Lilith quickly went to him and embraced him. Jonathan slowly wrapped his arms around her. Missing her warmth.

"I thought I had lost you that day, until that note- I'd thought that-"

"Shhhh, no need to worry anymore my dear." Jonathan had interrupted.

Lilith had looked at him, her hands gently holding the sides of his face. She sighed as she placed her forehead on his. Jonathan soon pulled away to look at her again, slowly pulling down her hood and pushed her mask off her face and hung around her neck.

"Look at you. My Mistress of Fear." He said as he cupped her cheek with a hand. Lilith leaning into the touch.

Lilith had pulled away, her eyes filled with rage. "Batman will pay for the pain he caused us. He will die."

The Arkham Knight slowly glanced at the female and her words. She shares the same desire as him. That the Batman must die.

"In due time. I developed a plan, one that will not fail. By the end of it. Batman will be no more." Jonathan swore to her.

Lilith grinned mischievously.

"But at the moment I need help perfecting my latest toxin. I've seen you've put that formula I gave you to good use. I never recall you being a chemist, Lilith." Jonathan smiled at his mistress and her accomplishments.

"I'm not really, after you gave me the formula and without a job. I chose to open a book and learn everything I can fast about the ingredients needed to make a strong toxin." Lilith admitted. Chemistry was never her favorite science subject. She had always perfected Biology, Psychology and Environmental as a adolescent.

Jonathan had put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. "Come let's begin our work." He turned to face the Arkham Knight.

"You may leave if you wish. Until our time where we plot out our plan. Thank you Arkham Knight, for bringing her back to me." Jonathan thanked.

Arkham Knight nodded to him as he strutted from his corner to above the skylight where he and Lilith entered from. "See you soon, "night monster."

Lilith's eyes narrowed at the nickname, but gave a slight smile before nodding at him. The Arkham Knight soon left the two dear doctors.

"So," Lilith began turning to Jonathan. "Tell me about this plan."

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