Chapter V

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Lilith had found the location of Ivy's lair, it wasn't that hard, just look for the green plants that took over the building and has a weird aroma

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Lilith had found the location of Ivy's lair, it wasn't that hard, just look for the green plants that took over the building and has a weird aroma. Lilith saw that there were three mind-controlled body guards but lucky they didn't have guns.

She walked onto the bridge and jumped on the ledge and noticed the gap between the building and bridge due to the earthquake. She looked down at the gushing water that had made its way.

"Damn," she mumbled. Lilith looked around and noticed a small ledge across, it was small enough for her to access safely. "Here goes nothing."

'Wait what?!' Panik screeched as Lilith jumped in the air and landed onto the ledge before clinging onto the building's bricks. 'I fucking hate you.'

'You are me.' Lilith mentioned.

Panik kept quiet, knowing she was correct. Lilith climbed and got onto the building, taking cover from the guards. She opened her coat and noticed she was running low on supplies. "Guess I gotta be sneaky." She then got up from her hiding spot and noticed two guard were gazing off into the sea staring at nothing. "Dumbasses," Lilith whispered. She looked at the other guard who was going down the stairs and she immediately went for it.

Lilith hopped onto the crates and climbed up the platform quickly and made her way across the small gated bridge that led to the entrance to Ivy's lair. Opening it and bracing herself for the other side.

"Who disturbs my plants?" Ivy's voice called out as Lilith stepped into the red head's line of vision. "A friend," Lilith called out.

"You, your that doctor from Arkham. Your famous in Gotham's Underworld." Poison Ivy stated.

"So I have been told," Lilith replied, noticing every villain she came across, knew her very well, even helped her.

"What is it you came for?" Ivy asked.

"I was wondering if Catwoman made her way down here? I'm looking for her." Lilith walked up and was admiring all of the variety of beautiful flowers; Roses, Irises, Wisterias, etc. Poison Ivy saw the spark in the doctor's eyes as she admired the plants, and smiled.

"My dear, she asked for my help into breaking into Strange's Vault and I gave it to her, she should be on her way into it as we speak."

'Damn, this is what happens when you stop to sniff the roses.'

"If you really need to see her, I can point you in the right direction." Poison Ivy told me Catwoman's actual, current location. Standing up, she controlled one of her vines over to Lilith and it picked her up before ushering to the door. Another vine appeared and turned the nob before leading the doctor out the lair.

Poison Ivy directed her to a sewer that was guarded by three TYGER guards.

They were protecting the sewer entrance to Strange's vault. There was a disturbance caused by some giant plants. 'Seems like our friend Ivy helped into giving us access to the vault and Kyle.'

"Well, let's down there. I have a kitty to meet." Lilith spoke aloud. She then noticed a black figure pouncing down and started to take out the guards.

Lilith jumped into the action, sending a few kicks at one guard, she then noticed the clicking sound of
a gun and quickly sprayed fear gas into the guard's face. He dropped the gun as he screamed in terror, she sent a punch to him and he fell to the ground. Lilith went to move to the next one but Catwoman finished the job.

"Selina Kyle, been looking everywhere for you." Lilith told her.

"Well here I am darling, now who might you be?" Catwoman asked. "Although seeing your little outfit screams one name, Scarecrow. What are you his sidekick?"

"I'm his Mistress of Fear, the name is Panik, but you can call me Lilith." She introduced herself as she pulled down her mask and hood. "Your my ticket out of hell."

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