Chapter II

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The GPS had led Lilith to the Bowery, near the Iceberg Lounge

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The GPS had led Lilith to the Bowery, near the Iceberg Lounge. She dropped down under the street and was soon met with a street underground.

Lilith walked to towards the fence and climbed over it and made a left turn and entered the door to Riddler's Hideout.

Lilith walks over to the other door to enter the room, she put her hand on the handle and noticed a bunch of explosives that is planned to be used on said door.

"Lucky I got here early." Lilith said before entering the room.

"NIGMA!" Lilith shouted as she walked around. Was that probably the smart thing to do? Obviously not, but she needs to see this guy.

The Riddler soon stepped out from doing whatever work he was currently doing.

"Well well, if it isn't Doctor Lilith Matthews." Riddler said as he walked closer to her. "What is the reason I, Edward Nigma, The Riddler! Is graced with your presence? It better be a good reason Doctor, otherwise the consequences would be catastroph-" Lilith cuts him off.

"It's about Jonathan."

"Obviously," The Riddler scoffed. "You want to know if he had survived that little mess with Killer Croc?"

"Yes." Lilith said.

"Why should I tell you anything about the whereabouts of Scarecrow?"

'For a "genius" he sure is an idiot.' Lilith hid her smirk.

"So I don't have the sudden urge to inject you with my recreation of Scarecrow's toxin." Lilith stated as she made the syringes attached to her wrist noticeable.

The Riddler wiped away his nervous sweat as he stared at the weapon. "Jonathan Crane is in fact alive."

Lilith's stone, cold heart did something it hasn't done in a long time, skip a beat.

"Where is he?" She demanded.

"Riddle me this: If you know me, you'll want to share me but if you share me, I'll be gone. What am I?"

"I don't have time to solve your precious riddles, Nigma. Now where is Jonathan?" Lilith said her voice getting dangerously dark.

"Answer the riddle and you will find your answer." Riddler said calmly.

"Tell me his secret Nigma."

"Ah, so the doctor does know the answer." Riddler smirked. "Good."

"I never said I didn't, now tell me where he is hiding."

"Alright fine, if it makes you leave quicker, I haven't had much contact with him. All I know is that Jonathan managed to find a hideout in Chinatown. Also he brokered with the Falcone family, obtaining a boat next to their shipping yard; the hull's contents included crates Crane specifically requested be filled with insects with neuro-toxins."

"Wait the Falcone's shipping yard? That would mean-"

Riddler cut her off, "Yes, he has a hideout here. In Arkham City."

"Riddle me this, Lilith: I cover what is real and hide what is true. What am I?"

"Edward, I don't have time-" Lilith groaned as she just decided to answer it to get this over with so she can head to Jonathan's boat. "You're a mask."

"Correct once again Doctor Matthews! Or does your mask prefer I call you Panik?" The Riddler chuckled darkly before he stepped off to continue what he was doing and left Lilith alone.

"There is no mask. This is me."

With those last words, Lilith left Riddler's hideout and went to head off to her next destination.

The Industrial District.

In other words, Joker's territory.

Lilith sighed at that, "If Joker and his stupid thugs stay in their lane, then they get some mercy. Might."

"No might, no mercy, just gas them all for the hell of it. I would and I'm you!"

'Shut up.' Lilith hissed at the voice in her head.

"Protocol Ten will commence in seven hours." Hugo Strange's voice blared through the speakers set up around the perimeter walls.

"What the fuck is Protocol Ten?"

'I don't know, and I'm pretty sure I don't want too. If it's Hugo Strange, it's nothing good.' Lilith thought.

She proceeded to leave the Bowery, and arrived at Park Row where she originally was stationed back when she was brought here.

Lilith sighed as she walked into an abandoned alley and leaned against the brick wall, catching her breathe. "Walking around this city back-n-forth can sure get you exhausted."

Lilith then sighed again before pushing off the wall and started to walk again, her first stop was to go back to her hideout to stock up on toxin.


Sorry, this was a shitty chapter, I had an extreme case of writers block for this chapter.

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