Chapter VI

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As his wounds from Killer Croc and from preforming self-surgery healed, Jonathan's overall appearance changed

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As his wounds from Killer Croc and from preforming self-surgery healed, Jonathan's overall appearance changed. Who once was a handsome looking man, had become a horrifying walking corpse.

His right leg is now secured in a brace, and is permanently broken. Due to the brace, Jonathan had to stand to his full height of 6'0" instead of his usual hunching over. His left eye is blind and has a white foggy look to it. The new gas mask was surgically grafted to his throat, for it didn't cover his mouth or nose.

Jonathan had also sustained damage to his windpipe that necessitated a respiratory bypass, which explained why his voice becoming much more gravelly. Proof of that was the presence of two tubes going into the underside of Crane's lower jaw, with one of them being attached to one of his Fear Toxin canisters.

Along with his undead appearance, Jonathan's changed his getup to better wage his upcoming war with the Batman, now he wears a trench coat that was modified to hold multiple vials of Fear Toxin, providing him with a larger supply. Scarecrow's fingertip syringes were upgraded to claws that were latched to his wrist for combat.

Currently in his safe house in Chinatown, Scarecrow began working on a new toxin, the strongest he can come up with.

A phone started to ring, Jonathan growled as he stopped what he was doing and answered it. "What is it?"

"Jonathan, it's Edward. I came to talk to you about your doll."

"Lilith." Jonathan corrected him.

"Yes her, she's here in Arkham City you know. She came to me asking questions about you. I sent her off to your secret boat at the shipping yard."

"Yes I know, I left her a message there." Jonathan said.

"Of course you have, I've been keeping tabs on her throughout Arkham and seems like she's in search for Miss Kyle on finding a way to escape."

"Tell me something I don't know Edward." Jonathan was getting annoyed before hanging up. His dirty hands clenched into fists as the skylight to his safe house opened up and a figure dropped down.

"You're back so soon." Jonathan turned to meet the black figure. He wore a military styled suit with black armor and a helmet, he almost resembled the Batman but was far from it.

"Nothing to worry about, while doing my job, I fulfilled your favor." A robotic voice came from the figure.

He walked towards the doctor and held out a USB drive. Jonathan eyed it as the mystery man puts it in the computer on the desk and the files pop up. The doctor observes each every photo.

They're all of Lilith.

One photo was taken inside the church she was stationed at. Another of her wandering around the Bowery. They were mostly pictures of her appearing in random spots in Arkham City. Soon he pulls up footage from outside the church. "You should be proud of your kitten, Crane." the man chuckled as the video played.

"Alright bitch, you're all mine now. Get ready to scream and cry." The clown-masked henchman laughed before Lilith sprayed a toxin at him.

"What the fuck is that?" He coughed.

The effects soon kicked in as the henchman was now on the floor screaming in terror. It was more stronger than Jonathan's previous toxin.

"She recreated my toxin, enhancing it." Jonathan stated, very impressed with his mistress as he continued to watch the man scream in terror. 

Lilith stripped off her jumpsuit revealing her costume before pulling her gas mask on and hood over her head.

"What's the matter Pudgy, scared?"

The henchman, Pudgy continued to scream and cry like a whiney baby. Lilith had pick pocketed him and held out a knife his knife, twirled it around for a bit.

"Don't Panic, this will only hurt a lot!"

She had driven the blade into his chest and twisted the blade as he slowly died in front of her. Her eyes squinted as if she was grinning before she let go of the knifes hilt and let the thug fall limp.

Jonathan had stopped the video, deep in thought. "What are her current whereabouts?" He asked. The man then clicked something else on the computer which pulls up more footage.

"She's doing exactly what you told her to do. Find Catwoman, gain entrance to Strange's Vault and escape. Soon you will have your Mistress of Fear again." The man told the doctor before beginning to leave.

"Thank you for your services... Arkham Knight. I'll contact you when we're ready."

With that the figure was soon gone and Jonathan was left to stare at the paused video of Lilith. His fingertips slowly traced her figure on the screen. "Soon you will be mine again, my dear. And when that happens this city and Batman will be no more." Jonathan spoke before quickly going back to his plans.

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