FIRST POST-18/02/2017

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This is my first post so here goes...

Hi guys! Well I guess no one will be reading this so probably hi no one. But I don't care if no one reads this. But if I don't start writing this I know I would never start. And i really want to write this novel I wrote it by myself. Doing this means a lot to me.

I'm gonna finish this story before the next one so sorry you have to wait for me to publish more for Truth the other story I wrote that I haven't finished.

In case anyone does read this and follow this thank you so much it means a lot cause I am 14 after all so you might not enjoy it but I just love writing even if I am really bad at English. Please comment if you have any questions and i'll reply. 

Anyway this is my first novel and I hope you enjoy It because I enjoyed writing it.


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