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I woke up by the smell of fire and smoke then looked out the window. I saw flames arising from the houses next to us and spreading quickly. 

"Guys wake up we need to leave right now." I shouted.

Alyssa and Aciline woke up with a shock. 

I went over to Gabriel and shook him.

"Cmon dude wake up we need to go." I shouted. He didn't move. So I punched him in the face to try and wake him. Still nothing

"WAKE UP YOU CUNT!!" I shouted in his face. 

No response.

He just lay there not moving. His arm collapsed.

He was dead. My best friend who saved my life was dead.

"Cmon guys let's go he's dead." I said with a tear running down my face.

We ran down the stairs as fast as we could and out the front door. The fire looked bad we turned right and kept on running. I looked back the house was in the distance and the fire was spreading rapidly and destroying everything in its path. the fire put Gabriel's house in flames.

"He's definitely dead now." I thought.

Me, Alyssa and Aciline were the only survivors out of the squad at the beginning.

"Well we're the only ones left." I said.

"Yeah" Alyssa said back.

We kept on walking and I kept on thinking that I killed Gabriel even though I didn't mean to but he was like my best friend and he saved my life so many times and I killed him.

"We need to go to the main science centre where they do all the experiments and we need to find out how this disease happened." I said to the others.

"Okay." Said Alyssa.

I was walking ahead of everyone else like the leader of the pack. Then we came across a Tesco and we went to the doors and opened them. There were no light but the odd one flickering in every isle. The girls were behind me. They were looking down every isle to try and find any food or drink. There was no food or drink it looks like its all have been looted. We finally got to the end of the shop and turned to go down the isle. There was a shadow right in front of us. The shadow looked like it had a pram but I could bearly see in the dim light. The shadow lifted it's head.

"Hello." I said. "Are you okay."

There was no reply.

I went up to her and reached out as if to touch her. Then the light flickered on and I could see that in the pram there was pieces of a dead baby. Then the next thing I saw was the person bearing there teeth at me they were stained red with blood. Then the person that was a woman swiped at my hand and cut it blood ran down my arm.

"Ow you bastard." I shouted in her face she swiped again clumsily but missed. She advanced slowly with the pram and the pieces of baby left. 

We turned to run out but there were other dead that blocked our way out. I pushed the shelf that was on our right and it went down with a loud crash and we ran over it. Then we stepped over the shelf and ran for the door. But then a fat zombie stood in the way and blocked our exit. I just realised that Alyssa and Acliline still had their weapons.

"Slash and kill the filthy bastard." I said to them.

Aciline got her knife and tried to slash at the dead's throat but she was to short to reach that high. So Alyssa got her gun out and shot the fat shit in the stomach. It doubled over but didn't die so Aciline started slashing at it's legs blood was going everywhere. The dead was almost on us from behind. But finally the fat zombie who was blocking the doorway fell down with slashes all over his legs and spilling blood everywhere. Me, Alyssa and Aciline stepped over the dead and opened the door to Tesco and started running, squinting at the light because it was so dark inside it hurt our eyes when we came outside. We kept on running In the right way. 

It was getting dark and the zombies would start coming out and finding food to eat. So we ducked into a house and went upstairs to the bedroom this bedroom had three beds in.

"Result." I though.

The parents of the house must've had triplet. We each got onto a bed and pulled the sheets over us even thought they smelt but being warm and not freezing is moe important. 

Then we closed our eyes and went to sleep.

That was another day pass by and no closer to finding the answer of how this disease started...


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