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Part 1: The Panic

There was manic on the streets of London where people had turned against each other. No one knows who caused this horrific disease. It hit London like an Atomic bomb. Some people think it was a mistake some people think it was created on purpose by a scientist or something. But people are running for their lives as they don't want to become the dead....

People were running everywhere frantically. But one person just stood there in shock and that was me. My name is Jack. 

"How did this happen" I wondered. 

The dead came closer and closer until there were just in arms reach. One of them lifted their arm above their head as in to swipe down and impale me. But as it did someone out of nowhere tackled me to the floor and out of the way of the dead and the random person got up in a shot and dragged me with him, scrapping my knees on the floor. He lifted me of the ground so I could regain balance.

When we were out of safe distance we stopped running and started walking.

This time I got a proper look at him he had a ripped striped top and black ripped genes I didn't know if they were supposed to be there or if they were made by the dead, he had some old trainers that had holes in them

"Who the hell are you?" I asked with a slight Irritation in my voice.

"My name is Gabriel" he said. Just as he said that there was what sounded like a gunshot.

We turned around and saw a person lying on the floor with the diseased around him getting slashed to pieces and blood was going everywhere. The dead was advancing and cutting down and eating everyone in their path. They were coming closer and closer and closer but it was slowly it was like a snail pace. So Gabriel decided to run again. I rolled my eyes, huffed and then followed him. 

"My name's Jack by the way" I shouted after him.

He didn't reply he just kept on running, he didn't even look back to see if I was following. But I kept on following him anyway. Picking up the pace as we went along. I almost reached him until a hit my toe on something and I fell over in a heap. I hit my head on a rock and blood trickled down in front of my eyes. Everything went blurring and I felt lightheaded.

I felt Gabriel picking me up  well I didn't know who it was but he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started running. my head was bouncing up and down and I felt lighter and lighter, I felt more and more blood running down my face every time I bounced. Until everything went black and I passed out...


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