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It was still night time. The worst time to be out on the streets because that's when the dead are roaming on the streets and waiting to kill, but some dead roam only when its light so they can see better.

Me and Gabriel looked right, there was nothing that when then we look left and there was nothing that way either.

"Which way so we go." I asked "Which way looks more fun and less dead infected."

"Lets go right. Just cause i'm right handed." He answered with a chuckle.

"Are you being serious right now." I said shaking my head trying not to laugh at his ridiculous joke.

"Lets go right then." He said, as we turned to go right. 

We could see just about the houses in the dim light of the moon. As we started walking to whatever was right Gabriel suddenly stopped so I stopped with him.

"What is it." I inquired.

"Nothing." He said and carried on walking.

We carried on walking until we saw shadows in the distance. They were quick. They must be teenagers and newly diseased because they were quick and agile about 5 of them. 

One of them sprinted straight past me and scratched me on the arm.

"SHIT!" I yelped as blood poured on the floor.

Gabriel quickly swiped the rifle of his shoulder and tried to aim at one of the dead but they were to quick for even him to see them. Luckily I still had the metal pole in my hand the one that I used to smashed that guys skull in. I swung the club blindly and again and again and again, but i hit nothing. so I stopped and then this figure swiped me from my feet and I hit the ground with a backbreaking thud it hurt.

Within seconds the diseased were on me scratching and trying to bite me. Then Gabriel shot one, it stumbled back. There was still four on me. I tried to reach for the metal pole I dropped. But I was weak because i lost too much blood. 

Just then I heard an ear piercing beep from what sounded like a bus or car and it ran over the diseased but also the lights were on so it scared the dead off. I felt someones hand around me pulling me on to my feet I don't know who it was but I think it was Gabriel. He dragged me over the diseased that got run over. He threw me on and then he climbed up one step. I think it was a bus but I couldn't see clearly. I've lost a lot of blood. 

It went dark again and I past out again in my own blood...


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