Part 15, Section 3

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Johnnie, Michael and I walked out of where we were. We walked to meet the others. The group came in a tight pack.

"The electricity is up and running meaning the defences are in use." I declared to the group.

"Where did all them zombies come from?" I heard someone ask pointing at a whole group of zombies shuffling around.

"They were in the electricity room. They ran straight past us." I answered.

The zombies where shuffling around clueless, they could smell us but they weren't attacking which was strange.

Johnnie walked up to the zombies and said "Leave this place now."

Shockingly the zombies followed and shuffled towards the exit.

I ran to open the exit gate. The Z's looked at me and just kept on walking. All was out now.

No zombie insight.

"Right c'mon lets go back to the cabin that we met in to discuss things." I told the others.

They followed and started walking towards the big wooden cabin.

Opening the door, we all walking in one by one, me first.

Sitting down at a chair, some people sat down some stood up as there wasn't enough chairs.

"Let Johnnie sit down." I ordered.

Johnnie sat down.

"Right Johnnie how did you do that thing with the zombies? How did you order them to leave? Why didn't they attack you? I was full of question that I asked Johnnie.

Johnnie just simply lifted up his shirt.

There was shouts and screams form the other people in the room. I glared at them.

Zombie bites. About 6 of them.

Getting up, I drew my sword.

"No the scientists gave me a test cure for the zombie virus. Before the zombies bit me and it worked. I'm the only one who can save humanity..."

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