Part 10, Section 1

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Chapter 10: The End 

I kept on fighting. Fighting to live and see another day but sometimes u just have to know when to stop fighting. But me no I'll never stop fighting cause someone needs to stop this disease from wiping out all humanity and it will if I don't stop it. The dead were all over me slashing away I was on the floor with my hands over my head so they couldn't scratch my head. Every now and then they would stop and have a break but then they'll go back to slashing at me and making me bleed. Sakura was nowhere to be seen. She was probably dead but I didn't really care I only wanted to save myself.

This time when they had a break I stood up and stumbled with the last fight of my body the last thing I can take. I swung at one of the zombies with my fists it was that hard his head spun around. He dropped to the floor. Now there was a gap. Surprisingly the other zombies didn't do anything they just let me out so I rushed and pushed past them and kept on running till I was in the clear from all of the ones that were attacking me.

Blood dripping down my arms. Legs and face. Slashes on my arms hurt the most but my legs also hurt now I have to limp away to try and find somewhere where they'll be resources to get cleaned up and bandaged up. There was no more zombies at the moment thank god. For now. There will be soon a guarantee it unless I get to some place that has shelter quickly before nightfall and nightfall is almost upon us. Most zombies come out in the night time apart from the ones who attacked me they were fast and quick but I bet the ones that come out at night are slow and weak so I got to find a place either to stay and hide or some more children to camp with I prefer the idea of the children cause they usually have weapons so they can protect me. Unlike being by myself with no weapons.

Night was coming fast it was almost pitch black now and you could see the moon smiling down at me. The Stars were shining bright the way stars do. My mum used to call me her star before the disease struck. I liked the life I had before the disease cause I wasn't fighting to live and I wasn't fighting for my life but now I am fighting for everything I don't want to lose the fight now.

My thoughts were interrupted by an immense bang that felt like it shook the ground beneath me. I felt like I was gonna fall over but I remained in balance. The noise was...

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