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My eyes gleamed open and I sat up.

"You need to rest." Gabriel said to me. 

"Where are we." I inquired.

"We're on a bus." He answered.

"Who's the driver." I whispered so he couldn't hear and pointed at a muscular guy.

"His names Gregory but he prefers being called Greg." He replied. "And he's an adult."

"We shouldn't be here if he's an adult because most adults have got the disease." I said.

Then I looked around the bus. there was three girls sitting at the back, there faces smeared in makeup and speaking rather loudly. The one on the far left, next to the window was a bit big and she has got chubby cheeks and was wearing a skirt but it showed her fat legs. The next one across next to her was a bit thinner than her but still chubby, her face was coated in makeup more than the others, she wore a crop top and some tight genes so her belly hung over them. The one next to her was so skinny I could fit my hands around her she was stick thin, she was the one doing most of the talking, she seemed pretty gobby and she was chewing chewing gum. All of them but on was blonde the one nearer the window had brown hair.

"You seem pretty beaten and scratched." Said the gobby one.

"Yeah them bloody diseased." I said.

"We call them zombies." She said with a little twirl of her hair.

"Oh I thought they were but I thought that zombies are just fairy tails and mythical." I replied.

"Yh so." She said then blew a bubble with the gum. "What do they call you?"

" My name is Jack and this is my friend Gabriel." I replied. "What about you guys."

"We are not guys we're girls stupid." She said.

"You know what I meant." I said.

"My name is Courtney and these are my girlfriends Brooke and Alyssa." She said. 

"And who's that?" I asked and pointed to a girl on the front row who was talking to a box which had whiskers.

"Oh her, she doesn't even speak English." She responded.

Just as she said that we swerved around a corner as we dodged some cars and we went over a bridge but there was cars blocking our way, and it was also pissing it down with rain.

"Right" Said Greg and got out of the driver seat.

He was muscular and his muscles popping out of his t-shirt, but then you got to his stomach and it was big he had blood on his shirt and genes, he had an receding hair line and he was almost bald with shiny skin on his head.

"We need to get some of you pillocks out there and move these bloody cars out of the way so we can get through." He said. "You can take my son Liam with you he's a nice strong lad, girls can stay in here."

Me, Gabriel and Liam went outside and made our way to the car blockage. 

"Trust Greg the old man to stay on the bus." Gabriel said.

"Yeah that lazy git." I said back.

We tried to push one car out of the way but it didn't budge. 

"Liam help us." Gabriel said frustrated.

Liam came over to the car and helped us push it this time it moved and went over the edge of the bridge and toppled in the water. Then we went and tried to do the other one.

"Liam come in here for a minute." Greg said. And Liam hopped onto the bus and looked out the window.

"GUYS THEY'RE COMING!!!" Liam shouted.

"WHO'S COMING LIAM!!" I shouted back.

"THE DEAD!!" He shouted.

We looked to see a group of the dead coming our way about twenty of them. Me and Gabriel tried to push the car faster and it was moving but very slowly.

"Get on the god damn bus or we'll leave without you I'll give you five seconds." Greg said to us.


"Wait we're almost there" I shouted at him.


The car was getting closer to being off the bridge.


"WAIT GODDAMN!! Gabriel shouted.


Finally the car was off and into the water with another plop.


We raced to the bus but it was already going, Gabriel managed to jump on.

I was chasing after it Gabriel reached out his hand and said " grab on"

I jumped and managed to grab on and he swung me onto the bus, and i lay there for a minute getting my breath back when i got it back me and Gabriel got back on our feet and sat down again.

When we got to the other end of the bridge we stopped and found somewhere so the dead won't find us hopefully.

"We rest here." Greg said, and went to the front seat and sat down. "come here Liam my boy"

Liam went over to his dad and laid down next to him, and Greg cuddled up to him with his arm around his neck like a bear hug and went to sleep...


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