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I was walking next to Gabriel as the others walked in front.

"Anyway we didn't finish our little chat." Gabriel said.

"What chat?" I asked. 

"You were just about to tell me why you were in care" he answered. "Remember?"

"Oh yeah." I said.

"Your not really in care are you?" He asked.

"Yes I am for god sake well I was why don't you believe me?." I asked

"I don't know I just don't unless you tell me why." Gabriel said back.

"Fine I'll tell you." I said.

"Okay in your own time." He said sarcastically.

"Okay well my real dad went to prison and my mum takes drugs and lives on the street and they were incapable of looking after me and they physically emotionally and mentally abused me and my dad tried to stab my mum multiple times when she was pregnant and my mum kicked my dad out and got a new boyfriend who was just like my dad and abused me and yh that's basically it I got other stuff but I don't want to share them with you." I told him with a tear rolling down my face.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." Gabriel said.

Courtney overheard the conversation and came up to me and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "it's okay"

"Thanks I said that's all I needed no one ever cared like that before other times when I tell people they just laugh." I said to Courtney.

"Well I'm not like most people then." Courtney told me.

Just then we were interrupted again by a rustle of the trees on our right hand side. I jumped backwards startled and Courtney was holding my hand our palms sweating. As the bush rustled even more Courtney clasped my hand even tighter.

Then it rustled again and this time a rabbit jumped out but it's eyes were red. We jumped back with shock.

"It's a rabbit it's harmless." Gabriel laughed.

"It has red eyes." Said Courtney letting go of my hand.

"So it's not like it's gonna eat us." Gabriel replied and went over to it as if to stroke it.

When he turned around he saw som deceased behind Courtney.

"Guys." He said and pointed past Courtney. "It was an ambush the rabbit was the distraction."

I pulled my Shashka over my shoulder ready to fight.

"You stupid deceased rabbit we're gonna die because of you." Shouted Gabriel and kicked the rabbit.

The rabbit went flying and hit a tree.

The dead looked toward were the rabbit was and then looked back at us.

"Run or fight." I said simply.

Gabriel said fight as u would've expected cause he thinks he's all hard and the others said run. There were too many to fight there were six of us and like twenty of them.

We were out numbered. So we did decide to run. But just as we did more zombies filled the gap and made a circle around us so we couldn't escape.

"I guess it's fight then." I said.

"Yes let's kill these bastards and show them what we're made of and they would be wishing they have never been born." Gabriel shouted. 

The zombies were closing in on us. We were all ready to take them on. They were within arms reach now. Me and Gabriel held our arms up high so we could get a proper swing to knock some zombies heads off.

Courtney was trying her hardest to beat the dead of with the metal pole and the dagger she got in her hand.

The other girls Brooke and Alyssa were stabbing and shooting their was through the zombies.

I saw two zombies on Courtney, not literally on her I mean like clawing at her and stuff.

I ran at them and chopped one of them in half with my Shashka and but the other one I tried to stab it's like the sword you swallowed up by his fat because when I stabbed him I couldn't take my Shashka out. The zombie didn't even feel it he took his ginormous boots and kicked me in the stomach. I went flying back and hit my head hard in the curb. The deceased zombie who kicked me was advancing on me and he pulled the sword out like it didn't hurt and threw it on the floor. When he was in arms reach I heard a gun shot, the bullet went straight through his head and the blood spurred all over me. He finally collapsed on the floor beside me. It smell was grim I thought I was going to throw up.

"That's all of them." Gabriel said as he helped me up.

I looked all around me he was telling the truth for once the zombies were all dead and on the floor.

"Is anyone hurt." I said.

"No." Everyone said.

Then I looked at Courtney she had scratch marks and cuts all up her.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah just a scratch." She said as she fell on the floor I caught her luckily.

I whispered in her ear. "It'll be okay." And kissed her lightly on the cheek. 


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