Part 12, Section 1

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Part 12: Birthday

"I have to leave tomorrow." I told Emily. 

"Why? Please don't leave I just got into you after I saved you it was like this was supposed to be. When I saw you and I found out that you were still breathing it was like love at first sight." She whimpered almost crying.

"I've had girlfriends before I met you and they all died and I don't want you to die as well because I have feelings for you too. I moved on quick from the other girl because I believe in love at first sight too and I fell in love with you the moment you saved me the moment I opened my eyes. But I have to go." I replied wrapping my arms around her waist, hugging her to comfort her.

"Then I'll come with you." She cried.

"That's not a good idea." I told her.

"Well you can't stop me I'm coming and that's that." She ordered.

"The reason why I don't want you to come with me is because it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm turning 15. I don't know why will happen. If I turn into one of them I don't want to hurt you." I replied to her order.

"I'm coming with you anyway." She said taking my hand and and holding it walking me to the gate. 

"Wait are you forgetting someone." Another girl shouted from the entrance of Tesco  she came out with another 4 people carrying weapons  all their clothes were ripped. One person had a massive scar down his face. Another had a ear falling off with blood dripping down his face. The others looked fine they just had ripped clothes.

"We're coming with you." The girl in front said walking towards us.

Emily and I turned away and started walking towards the exit. The fish that she bought from Tesco was dangling from her belt. Out of all the weapons she chose a fish and a bed post. We walked out the gate with the other people following us. 

"I wanted to be alone with you." I told Emily.

"I don't really like these people I don't even know why they're coming." She replied. 

"Great." I whispered. Walking back the way we came when Emily rescued me.

The houses along here were abandoned and blood was smeread on the floor, all up the walls and bodies was spread across the floor. Skeletons from last meals were scattered along the floor. 

We had no destination we just kept walking back the way we came which was dangerous. As the giant was still out here somewhere roaming the streets. Looking for flesh and young people to eat and feed on.

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