Part 11, Section 2

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My eyes flickered as they opened. I gasped to see another survivor who I have never seen before.

"Thank the lord, I thought you were gone for good." The survivor said in her high pitched voice.

"Why didn't you leave me dead. I wanted to be dead. It is better than living where the whole world has been taken over by the dead." I replied to the young looking girl.

The girl looked around 15. She had some dirty red Nike shoes on, a really short skirt, ripped tights and blood over her legs, she also had rips all over her black top. The rips were so big you could see her bra showing and her hair was a browny ginger.

She pulled me to my feet. I almost fell over again i was so light headed but she held me up. 

"My name is Emily by the way." She declared. 

"Nice to meet you Emily." I wheezed clutching my side and breathing heavily. 

There was a massive gash on my side, blood was dripping on the floor from it.

"I've got a bandage for that." Emily said pulling out a bandage from her bag.

As we walked out of the docks she was bandaging me up when we were walking. 

"Ouch can't you do that more gentle?" I asked.

"Aha that's what he said." She laughed at me and giggled like a 2 year old.

I tried to force out a laugh but I couldn't it was too painful because of the gash in my side. I was leaning over in Emily's arms dragging my legs and feet across the floor. She was soothing and whispering in my ear comforting words to keep me going. We were walking so slow so in the end Emily just picked me up and carried me. 

My eyes started to shut again. Emily slapped me around the face to wake me up. I opened my eyes and looked at her shocked.

"Stay awake." She said simply.

I couldn't speak now. I tried to close my eyes again but she kept on hitting me.

"We're almost there. Stay awake for another 5 minutes. You can do it." She soothed in my ear.

"Where are we going?" I managed to wheeze.

"Me and a couple more survivors took over Tesco it still has some stuff in. We have medical supplies you'll be fixed up in no time we have the best young first aid teenagers." Emily replied to my question.

She wasn't lying it was literally 5 minutes we were here already. I saw the massive Tesco sign. Some cars were in the car park. Abandoned. A few was set on fire and burning. Car pieces were everywhere. That's all I realised before I closed my eyes once more...

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