Part 15, Section 2

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Suddenly zombies spilled out of every corner of the room running at us. They didn't attack us or anything they ran straight past us. When they all left and all ran out the room, Michael and I walked in. I heard sniffling, I shone the torch on the furthest wall. A person was there head in their hands. I called out "hey it's okay they're gone now."

The person lifted there head and glared at us. He had cuts all over him more than I've seen on anyone. Blood runny out of the wounds. He stood up and limped towards us. I got a better look at him his eyes were bloodshot, blood filled his lips, he looked like death itself.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Johnnie." He replied quietly.

"I have one question for you. Why didn't the zombies attack you." I asked one more question.

"That's a painful story that is rather not discuss." He replied again.

Before I could ask another question we were interrupted by a scream from outside. I ran out, Michael and Johnnie close behind. One of my group member, Grace was over someone. A zombies had grabbed her by the arm. It didn't attack though. It just grabbed her, dug it's long sharp nails into her skin blood running out.

"GET IT OFF." She shouted.

I ran t the zombie on the floor and swiped my sword clean across his arm chopping it off. The hand was still dug into Grace's arm. She just grabbed it and ripped it out of her arm. As she did so more blood ran down her arm.

"Thank you." She said hugging me shyly.

"Anytime." I said winking. "Let's keep exploring."

"Who's this?" Grace asked looking at Johnnie.

"We just found him he was in the me and Michael was exploring. We also found something else." I told Grace.

Michael and I and Johnnie all walked back to were we were.

"I thought I saw a switch in here somewhere." I told Michael and Johnnie.

I shon the torch to the wall. Yes, there. I see it.

I went over to it, pushed it down and waited. It made a click and it rumbled into action.

The electricity shot on. The electric walls outside went electric again and the gate with spikes on started spinning again. The lights over the place shot into action. Making us see everything again...

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