Chapter I: The Reflection.

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Lily looked around bewildered; it was dark. She pushed her brown hair out of her face, trying to see better through the blackness that was sucking up all the light.
She took a deep breathe; her heart was hammering. She hurried along the street, her heels clicked loudly as she ran. Why had she worn heels? Wait, why was she wearing heels?
She paused and looked down at her feet, she didn't remember putting on heels; it had been the only change of her appearance. She was still wearing her uniform (she felt her head), and her pink bow.
She exhaled heavily and inhaled the sweet smell of.. What was that smell? Liquid Iron? She didn't know. She looked up at the moon; her only source of light. She looked forward and continued her journey through the dark unknown.
She ran for what felt like ages; now she had finally seen light. Excited, she ran as fast as she could towards the light. She soon reached the source; a street light. Why was it the only one working?
Her eyes sparkled in the light and she looked down; she could see her reflection in a puddle. She looked at her face, it was a mess... She had mascara and lipstick smears. She rubbed her face, trying to get it off but it only smeared more. Why was she wearing makeup, anyway?
She suddenly felt a cold hand grip her by the throat and she gasped. Her eyes strayed over into the corner of one of her eyes; the face was next to the other. She felt a shiver go down her spine.
"Lily Love~"

Lily jerked awake as she heard a loud bang on the desk. She looked around rapidly; the source of the noise was from a ruler being slammed onto the student desk she was rested on. Specifically a teacher's ruler. She looked up at the teacher and smiled sheepishly.
"I'd appreciate it if you concentrated on the lesson, Miss Love." The teacher announced, tapping her foot on the ground.
Lily looked down, her hands were shaking, "Y-Yes, Mrs B." She squeaked out. She heard footsteps, they were fading away.
She placed her hands on her chest and let out a deep breath; she was trying to calm down her rapid heartbeat. She pulled her chair back and looked down at her feet, she was wearing normal flats. She pushed her chair back in then looked around the room.
She was in a classroom; student packed, well that was apart from the two desks connected to hers which were left empty but had their seats taken out of. The chairs had been moved so the people who sat at these desks could sit away from her.
She rubbed her hands together; she was cold, very cold. She pulled her sleeves down over her hands, to keep them warm. The air conditioner was on, set on cold; it made sense since it was 40 degrees celsius outside. Why was she cold?
She rubbed her arms, trying to get warmer. She wished she could pull the hoodie on, but it was school rules to not put them on in class. She looked around at the students; everyone was focused on class.
She looked forward and tried to adsorb the knowledge that she was being given. She couldn't, she zoned out. What was that? Was that a dream? Well it was. But it felt... Too real? Yeah, that was it.
She let out a slight laugh and she covered her mouth; no one had heard it. That was idiotic and she knew it. She sighed softly. She tried multiple times to try and absorb the information from the teacher's voice; it did not happen. This dream was weird... Nothing like she had had before; just; it was.. very different.

She zoned back in and realised that everyone had left; including the teacher. She packed up quickly, it was the end of the school day. She looked at the clock and her eyes suddenly widened; the dream...
As the clock struck 3, she realised something...

The man didn't have a reflection.

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