Chapter XXVII: The Bunny.

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Lily walked in the field littered with lilies, which was, unironically, one of her favourite kind of flors. She went to laugh but... She was unable. She tried again but no sound came out, not even one that mimicked a laugh . Her smile faded as she hoped along, headed to a large strawberry bush. Her path, however, was interrupted by a small stream that, if she were to attempt to cross, she would have to jump over.

Yet, it appeared much more grand. Lily looked down towards it before smiling again, her eyes lighting up. She was a bunny. A cute, little bunny, with two big blue eyes and snow white fur. Her mouth opened and as she tried to display it's tongue. Yep, she was definitely the bunny.

She started to remember a time when things were so much more simple and family friendly. She missed being a child and she missed home.

When she was six she had been asked by a teacher what she wanted to be when she grew up. She has simply replied,
"A bunny!" Her innocent mind having not yet been tainted.
"But you can't grow up to be a bunny, silly!" One of her friends at the time had said,
"Try and stop me!" She exclaimed, her eyes were closed due to how wide she was smiling.

Her young mind had no knowledge of the fact that wasn't possible unless she was some type of super hero or mutant. She had no idea what was to come in the next ten years. She would die... from a vampire drowning her in shower water after being tied up and raped.

Lily shook her head and watched as her big bunny ears flop. Her eyes stared into her reflection. She had forgotten the last time she was this happy and what life was like before Ivor had found her. He had broken her mind, making her forget. But this event would never escape her memory.

Lily, Lily the bunny. A fuzzy bunny with bright blue eyes paired with nice, long eyelashes and a little baby pink nose. No signs of anything vile on her white fur, except for a little bit of grass stuck onto its coat. She shook herself to get the grass off of herself.

She was a bunny. She had finally become what she always wanted to be. Maybe she had been reincarnated into a beautiful, small and pure bunny! A fresh start! A new life!

A gunshot wound. Her little body became coated in blood as her eyes rolled back. She fell onto the bed of soft grass as her fur began to be coated in her pure blood. Through the ringing noise in her ears, she could hear people making a ruckus and a little girl was crying. The cry sounded similar to her own. Her hearing finally went out as the baby bunny laid dead, having been shot. Perhaps she had been mistaken for some other creature or maybe to be rabid. She wouldn't know.

Air desperately filled her deoxygenated lungs as her remaining eye opened. Her vision started to return once more, being met some pink cushion. It looked so soft, one of her hands raised up, it felt so soft... Suddenly she realised, she was in a coffin and buried alive.

She started to panic and hyperventilate. Her breathing started to eat away at the small supply of oxygen in the coffin. She closed her eye and started to cry once again. She tasted her tears as they touched her tongue.

After a few minutes of wasted time, Lily calmed down. Not wanting the fact to be a myth she opened her eye. She was met with the cushion of her coffin again.

It was so scary how cozy it was inside the coffin and quiet. The atmosphere gave the coffin am eerily calm vibe, which made the coffin seem safe and secure. Plus, the coffin was pretty... Too pretty. Almost as if it assumed and whoever had placed her here thought she was really dead. Like she was actually dead... The idea started to settle in.

She was wasting time, her brain screamed, 'You're wasting time!'

Lily replied by knocked onto the cushion and felt the hard wood underneath. She had no idea what to do. How could she know? Why would she need to know? She had read nothing about this online, she never thought she would be buried alive...

Knock. Knock.

The knock was returned. Faint, but present. Her eye widened and she desperately knocked upon the coffin, using both hands. Pain shot through her arm as her broke fingers were damaged more due to the harsh pounding. But she didn't care, she needed to survive.

As she knocked she placed her ear on the wood, listening for more knocking. She needed to know if someone was listening to her. Through the wood work, she could faintly hear birds as they chirped in celebration of her rescue.

Her knocking proceeded but then stopped as she heard the sound of scraping against the wood. Someone dug up the dirt covering her coffin. Now the girl started to scream, wanting her saviour to be aware that they were saving her life. She was going to be okay, she chanted to herself, she was going to be okay.

The coffin cover was gripped firmly and lifted up, screaming in rage at being awaken. Her vision was blinded by light as the tomb opened and as it adjusted to the light..

The birds stopped chirping.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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