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I discovered something terrible with my neighbour. He was very sick and called a witch doctor to come to his house. The witch doctor said his case was critical and he could not be cured, but the sickness can be transferred to another person. My neighbour accepted.

The witch doctor worked on him and told him "as I am leaving, if anyone opens the door, you must shout 'tchaa' and this person will die in your place."

The wutch doctor left and my neighbour was waiting for the first unlucky person, so as to say 'tchaa' and transfer his sickness and be cured.

But the witch doctor discovered that he didn't collect any money from my neighbour, so he decided to risk it all and go back. As soon as he opened the door, my neighbour shouted 'tchaa,' the witch doctor shouted 'retchaa,' my neighbour shouted 'reretchaa' the witch doctor shouted 'rereretchaa.' As I am telling you now, the entire neighborhood are watching how the two are in 'rererererererere tchaaa," competition...

Let me come and be going, night have do......


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