c/two. ugh!

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Waiting for Matty to come out of rehearsals was a long journey. I was still trying to figure out why it felt so damp in-between my legs, and trying to cope with my headache at the same time. Also, the constant sexual daydreaming didn't help.

But anyways, Matty walked back in the tour bus – with no shirt on – looking pretty sweaty, may I add.

He walks toward me, his shirt in hand. "Hey, Val. How are you feeling?" He smiles at me, his smile a bit crooked, almost a smirk. Almost.

I thought a bit before answering: "I'm better." in the coldest tone possible. There's no way he'll get good attitude from me after teasing me like that.

Matty furrowed his eyebrows, throwing his shirt on the laundry hamper. "What's up with you?"

I scoffed. "What's 'up with me'?" I eyed him.

He let out a light chuckle. "What are you pissed about, love?" He steps closer to me, making my heart rate speed up. I am so dissapointed in myself.

I took a deep breath. "Nothing."

Another laugh comes from him, but this one's breathy. "Alright then." He starts to leave, but not before turning around and saying: "What's that on your neck?"

I stare at him in confusion. "What?"

He starts to walk toward me, again. "You've got something weird on your neck." He inches closer to me.

"What is it?" I ask him, my breath speeding up as a result of the short distance between us.

"I can't see it, let me just..." He starts to say, before being a couple of centimeters away from my neck. "I found it." He whispers, his breath tickling my neck, and my breath hitching. He moves closer to my neck, and finally... He moves back.

"You've got a nice mole there, I thought it was something else. Sorry." He says, a close gap between our two faces.

And with that, he stares at me one last time and turns away.

What a ridiculous yet unbearably arousing move.

I feel like I'm about to explode. "What the fuck!" I groan, in utter frustration, instantly covering my mouth after realizing I just said that out loud.

Matty turns around for a second and stares at me, trying to read my face and figure out if my frustration was directed towards what happened just a couple seconds ago, or if I was frustrated at some other thing.

I pretended like I wasn't bothered by him to avoid further embarassment, which caused him to walk back to me. There's no way, it was too obvious, and Matty isn't stupid.

"What was that about?" He stands in front of me, a hand running through his curly hair, and detangling it, as if it was some form of relieving his stress, other than smoking cigarettes, while hanging around.

I wasn't exactly proud of my lying abilities, and if showed. "You're asking a lot of questions today, Healy." I answer, trying desperately to pull it off.

He raises an eyebrow at me, crossing his arms. "That's because you're acting oddly strange around me."

I scoff. "Oh, really? I'm acting strange? It's all on you, Matty!" I stare at him, now enraged at him although I'm not sure why this time around.

Probably because you want to blame your embarassment on him.

He shakes his head, denying his previous statement, moving closer to me. "Valerie..." He continues, and snakes an arm around my lower waist in the process, inching closer towards my face, my body longing for his lips on mine.

"You're the only one acting strange here, love." He lightly smiles at me, an obvious flirty gesture, before letting me go and turning his back to me, walking to where he was previously headed.

He turns around all of a sudden, "Oh, and um... If you need to dry something, the mop's just near the kitchen." He winked at me.


- Vi

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