c/twelve. be my mistake

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I walked into the kitchen, where all the boys were currently finishing their blunts. I frowned at this, I really needed one.

Ross seemed to spot this and started rolling up another, George staring at him wide-eyed.

"Another one?" He questioned him in surprise, Ross chuckled at this.

"It's to share, Valerie seems to have an aching desire for one right now." He smiled at me and I thanked him, smiling back.

The boys were using their phones, a regular routine after finishing their weed-filled rounds.

Matty looked away from his phone and eyed me up and down. "I'm a bad influence." He laughed after saying this.

I shook my head. "I need something to relax and help me clear- er, get rid of, my thoughts."

He raised an eyebrow at this, concern visible on his face, and George studied me closely. What happened earlier might have been a little suspicious, but he'll get over it once he realizes it wasn't anything concerning, I was just curious.

Ross handed me a lit blunt, and I sighed contently, taking a long hit and exhaling the smoke after some time, passing it to George, who hesitantly took it. I smiled to try to ease the tension, but I'm not sure it worked.

Matty continued to scroll through his phone, scoffing after his phone dinged, which made me extremely curious. I chose not to comment on it, as it would be too weird, with the boys here and all that. Thankfully, Adam asked away.

"Is it Jacqueline again?" He pointed to Matty's phone as he asked this, Matty sighing and running a hand down his face.

"Yeah..." He answered, reading through Jacqueline's message.

Jealousy ran through my veins and I had no choice but to hide it and look somewhere else as Matty read the message.

"Ah, for fuck's sake..." He stood up and walked over to Jonathan, yelling at him to stop the bus.

All the boys stood up and I ran to the front to see what was going on, and the bus suddenly came to a stop. I'm sure if I hadn't held on to the seat, I would have been sent flying to the front glass.

The doors opened and Matty ran out. It was raining, and to say I was concerned was an understatement. Matty wouldn't risk water damage to his expensive coat for no reason. What is so important for him to go running out of the bus in the rain? Was he feeling sick?

I ran to the door and peeked out enough to be able to see, and there stood a soaking wet, crying and out of breath Jacqueline.

What the actual fuck?

Matty took off the coat he was wearing - his favorite Louis Vouitton soft denim jacket, may I add - and covered Jacqueline with it, walking towards the bus' door.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I groaned, backing out of the door and sprinting toward the studio, slamming the door behind me.

I sat on the desk chair and ran my hands through my hair. Weed didn't help me, not at all.

As if the amount of stress I've been on today wasn't enough, the anger I felt right now was indescribable. Jacqueline always had to show up, and so far, it seems like she's capable of doing anything to be able to come on tour with us.

I laid my head on top of my arms, who rested atop of the studio's desk. It was only seconds after that my phone started to ring. I groaned before lifting my head and taking it out of my pocket, looking at the Caller ID, and Luca's name popped up on the screen.

I sighed, picking it up. "Hey."

"Valerie, are you remembering you have a song to finish for the album? You're going to get kicked out of the label if I don't have that demo in my hand in a month!" He asked, and I could hear the desperation on his tone. No wonder, I've been here for four months, and I promised him I'd have that song done by two.

"I know." I answered, my voice cracking as I was on the verge of tears. "I'm trying."

"Hey, hey... I'm sorry, was I too rude?" He asked, concerned he had hurt my feelings. I appreciated this, but it wasn't his fault. It was just too much for one day.

"No, no." I answered, wiping my tears away and clearing my throat "It's just that, there's a lot going on here and I don't know what to do." I replied with honesty.

I heard him hum in thought and the call went silent for a couple seconds. "Where are you?" He asked.

"Umm," I shrugged and went over the state names in my head, before I figured out where we were today. "Wyoming." I told him.

"Okay, I can arrange a trip there." He stated.

I shook my head, standing up from the chair. "No, no.. that's fine, you don't need to come, I'll get over it..." I assured him. I didn't want him to spend his money just to make me feel better about myself.

"I didn't ask if you were okay with it, so suck it up! I'm going over there. But please, try to finish the song." He said, in a jokingly manner.

"Luca-" He interrupts me by hanging up.

I let out a breathy laugh, putting my phone back in my pocket. Surprisingly, that did make me feel better. It's time to face her, though.

I walked out of the studio, and the minute I walked out, I was upset again. No one had come to check on me, to see if I was okay.

I know, I know... It's very egotistical of me to say that, and I recognize it, but it feels like Jacqueline always takes my spot when she comes here, and that's because she does.

I walk toward the infamous kitchen couch, where Jacqueline was laying on top of Matty and he was running his hands through her hair.

I only stared, and Matty did so too, apologetically, that asshole.

"Well, what is it now? What happened to the poor thing?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of Matty and Jacqueline, and the boys, who were sat on the seats on the side.

"Valerie, don't start." Matty warned.

I swear I felt my heart drop down to my stomach when he defended her. I thought this was all over, and he was letting himself be tricked by her again.

I took a deep breath in order to not lash out on Matty, it's not his fault he's completely oblivious. "I deserve to know something at least." I demanded.

He sighed. "She wanted to apologize to me. She saw the bus leaving at 7/11 and ran after us in her car, but then she ran out of gas a couple miles away from where we are right now and started sprinting. She called and texted and I didn't answer, one of the bus' wheels ran over her foot-"

"It's fine, Matty. She won't understand." Jacqueline interrupted Matty, hugging him tightly, obviously trying to make me mad.

I laughed. "Right" I stepped closer to them, looking at Matty before continuing, "Don't you think this is a little bit, I don't know, obsessive? She RAN after us and started sprinting towards the bus! Why are you letting her have her way like this?" I scoffed.

Matty only shook his head. "She's injured and it's because I chose not to answer her calls or texts. She's injured because of me. And because of you, too." He angrily replied back.

I stared at him in disbelief. "This is not your fault, much less mine. She did this to herself, the psycho! I can't believe you're falling for this."

"Let's calm down, yeah?" Adam chimed in, attempting to cool down the situation, but I just glared at Jacqueline and went to lay down in my bunk bed, closing the curtains.

It was 5:15 PM. We weren't gonna get to our stop in time, the show might have to be delayed all because of Jacqueline. I was supposed to be the opening act, the boys were supposed to be the big show, but she had to come back, didn't she?

It was 5:15 PM and I was going to sleep it off.

Urgency. | Matthew HealyWhere stories live. Discover now