c/twenty three. an encounter. (ending)

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A/N: I'm so sorry this took forever to post. I didn't know what to write about next and I didn't have time to figure it out either but here we are! Enjoy <3

Matty's POV

"Valerie?" I attempt to say, but my mouth is muffled against her hand. She releases me and I finish my sentence then, "What the hell?"

"Please let me talk to you." She looks at me with pleading eyes, but I just can't bring myself to let her in again.

"No, we have nothing to talk about. Get out of my house before I call the police!" I threaten her, but she doesn't seem fazed.

"Matty, it's about Kate." She hesitantly admits, knowing I warned her not to mention her name.

"I told you to stay away from her! And then- then you send those cards to her? You're sick, Valerie." I scoff.

She furrowed her eyebrows in what seemed to be legitimate confusion, but who knows.

"What cards?" She asks.

I sigh in frustration. "You know bloody well which cards. You've been sending them to Kate and threatening her. I'm sorry if you're jealous of what she and I had but-"

She interrupts me, "Okay, I can admit I've done some fucked up shit, but I have not sent a single card to Kate." She looks at me, and it looked sincere.

I still didn't trust her, so I chose to not comment on it.

"She doesn't have Alzheimer's only, she's mentally ill." She continued.

I laughed in desperation and also because I was in disbelief. How could she say something like that?

"I know this sounds like a stupid sob story but I swear, Matty. She played us, both you and me." She paused, taking a deep breath, and I crossed my arms, for some reason allowing her to continue.

"She set you up with Jacqueline. I was never supposed to show up. And then I did, and she found out that I was in love with you through Tom – whom she apparently dated – and threatened to end my career." She took a deep breath, before continuing. "I did everything in my power to separate you and Jacqueline because of it. But the stalking, the drama, the clingy, that's on me. I have a problem, too. But I love you, Matty."

I looked away. I didn't feel the same, especially after all of this.

She nodded her head and continued to tell the story. "Kate is probably trying to set me up because things didn't go the way she wanted, which explains the cards."

I shook my head. "Kate's Alzheimer's is so advanced she can't remember me, even less an address to write on those letters. Also, even if she remembered both me and you, not to sound insensitive, but she wouldn't remember half of her 'revenge plan' by the time she would be done organizing it." I add on.

Valerie nodded. "That seems logical to me, but Kate is pretending. Not that she doesn't have early onset Alzheimer's – because she does – but she's pretending it's way worse than it is."

I ran my hands down my face in frustration. I didn't know what to think. This didn't change anything. Kate is still under care for mental issues and Valerie is still obsessive, but at least she opened up to me.

"Why did you put a cloth in my face to tell me all of this?" I asked her, it truly wasn't necessary.

She blushed. "I'm sorry. I figured if I just stood in that door asking for you to hear me out, you wouldn't." She shrugged.

I nodded, for some reason I understood her.

"Matty," Valerie started, stepping closer to me, something she could do at ease because we were both standing face to face to eachother. "Let me say goodbye." She continued, running her fingers down my chest.

"Valerie, I don't-..." I started, but she continued to hold a pleading stare on her eyes. The instanity of asking for goodbye sex after pressing a cloth to my face only reminded me that it was something that I liked about her.

"Please." She pressed her lips to my neck, and for once I could remember how great things were between us.

So I let her.

She pressed her lips to mine and I kissed back, hesitantly at first, but then I found myself eager to taste her again.

I pulled her close to me, grabbing her waist and kissing her with the last bit of desire I held for her. She grasped my hair and started removing my shirt. I held my arms up for her to pull it off of me, then I started to button down her purple blouse, revealing a black lace bra I could die for.

We stared into eachother's eyes for a minute, knowing that this was the last time, but attempting to cherish the moment as much as we could.

I broke the eye contact first, placing my mouth on top of her right breast, kissing and lightly sucking as I took her bra off. I trailed my mouth further down to her nipple and sucked gently.

Valerie moaned, her grasp on my hair tightening and her free hand travelling down to palm me through my jeans that felt too tight at the moment. She seemed to notice and proceeded to unbutton them.

I released her soft breast from my mouth and stepped out of my jeans, throwing them aside. I realized we were in front of the door, so I picked up Valerie and moved her to the closest bedroom: the guest bedroom. I didn't trust her to take her to mine.

I laid her down on the bed, unbuttoning her jeans and leaving her heaving on top of the bed. I kissed the tip of her nipple and proceeded to leave a trail of kisses down to her lovehandles.

She pulled my underwear down, eager to take me in her mouth but I stopped her. That didn't feel right for some reason.

I took a condom from the guest room's nightstand –which was packed with condoms thanks to the boys – and put it on, stroking myself a few times before removing her underwear.

As I was about to insert myself inside her, she stopped me and climbed on top of me instead, taking my cock in her and placing it inside her. She started to grind herself up and down, my head resting on her shoulder and moans coming out of our mouths.

I kissed her neck, my hand exploring her back, and savoured the moment.

I pulled my head away from the crook of her neck and we stared at eachother as she continued to slowly ride me. This was beyond sex; it was passionate and it felt like the most nostalgic goodbye.

She came first, and she stared right at me as she did. Her pulsating vagina brought me to my own orgasm seconds later.

And then we just laid there, no words spoken, catching our breath.

She left just like that. No words spoken. She put her clothes on and started to step out. She turned around and looked at me briefly, I was still sprawled out on the bed, except I'd put my underwear on.

She opened her mouth as if to say something but stopped herself. She lightly smiled and turned back around, leaving my home, my life, forever.

This was goodbye.


I think this is it.

Please let me know what you thought about the chapter and also the story overall!

Accepting constructive criticism and any ideas you might have. I'm flexible!

Thank you so much for reading.

Love, Vi.

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